How to Use the Command 'resolvconf' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'resolvconf' (with examples)

resolvconf is a command-line utility primarily used in Unix-based operating systems as a means to manage and manipulate the nameserver information used by a system. It serves as an intermediary between programs that provide nameserver data and applications that use this data to resolve hostnames to IP addresses. Specifically, resolvconf is designed to efficiently manage DNS configuration information dynamically, ensuring the seamless updating of information as network interfaces experience changes. This function is essential in maintaining a system’s ability to make accurate and timely DNS queries even as network conditions fluctuate.

Add or Override the IFACE.PROG Record


resolvconf -a IFACE.PROG


Adding or overriding the IFACE.PROG record using resolvconf is crucial when there is a need to modify or introduce new DNS configuration details for a specific network interface. Suppose a network interface, let’s say eth0.dhclient, acquires new DNS server addresses after connecting to a different network. This command allows you to express these changes without manually editing configuration files like /etc/resolv.conf, ensuring that system applications can immediately start using the updated DNS details.


  • -a: This flag tells resolvconf to add or amend a record for the network interface specified by IFACE.PROG. The proposed change prompts resolvconf to run update scripts if this functionality is activated.
  • IFACE.PROG: This is a generic placeholder meant to be replaced by the name of the network interface and program tag you wish to update. For instance, eth0.dhclient would be used for a network interface eth0 combining details from a DHCP client.

Example Output:

When successfully executed, the command might not produce visible output but guarantees that DNS changes are made and relevant scripts are executed.

Delete the IFACE.PROG Record


resolvconf -d IFACE.PROG


Deleting an IFACE.PROG record becomes necessary when a network interface is disconnected or no longer requires specific DNS configurations. For example, if eth0.dhclient is no longer active, it is prudent to remove its DNS settings to prevent potential conflicts or redundant lookups that could degrade performance. This action clears obsolete information, thus maintaining an updated and clean DNS configuration.


  • -d: This option directs resolvconf to remove the record for the designated IFACE.PROG, thereby discarding any settings linked with it. If the execution of update scripts is enabled, they will update as needed to reflect this change.
  • IFACE.PROG: This represents the interface and program identifier whose record you wish to delete. For instance, this could be eth0.dhclient.

Example Output:

Successful execution results in the removal of the specified DNS record without explicit shell output, assuming update scripts execute without errors.

Run the Update Scripts


resolvconf -u


Invoking the run update scripts functionality is crucial when you need to ensure that any outstanding DNS changes have taken effect. This is especially helpful after making a batch of changes, ensuring that resolvconf correctly informs all dependent systems and services about the current DNS records and configurations. This proactive approach minimizes latency and inconsistencies in DNS querying operations.


  • -u: This flag is responsible for running update scripts independently of any add or delete operations. It is a way to manually trigger the analysis and processing of the current state of DNS configurations as understood by resolvconf.

Example Output:

Usually, this command delivers no direct output but confirms internally that the update scripts have been executed.

Set the Flag for Updates


resolvconf --enable-updates


Enabling the flag that allows running of update scripts is essential for ensuring that any add, delete, or update operations on DNS records are followed through with the necessary system-wide notifications. Setting this flag prepares your system to be responsive to DNS changes, crucial for environments where DNS configurations shift frequently due to server changes.


  • --enable-updates: This long-form option activates the internal switch in resolvconf, enabling script execution during updates.

Example Output:

This command may not provide visible output but sets the resolvconf system to execute updates automatically post DNS changes.

Clear the Flag for Updates


resolvconf --disable-updates


Clearing the update capability allows administrators to pause applying DNS changes, useful during debugging sessions or when performing bulk changes that should not yet activate system-wide. This command ensures that changes can be staged without unsettling ongoing DNS operations prematurely.


  • --disable-updates: This command option disables the update-running capability in resolvconf, halting automatic execution of scripts upon DNS record changes.

Example Output:

The command terminates quietly, signaling that update scripts will no longer automatically execute after changes.

Check Whether Updates Are Enabled


resolvconf --updates-are-enabled


Ensuring that the updates script execution feature is either enabled or disabled before rolling out further DNS-related changes helps avoid unintended configurations. This command serves as a checkpoint to verify the configuration of resolvconf.


  • --updates-are-enabled: This option queries the current status of the updates flag within resolvconf, informing you if update scripts will execute after DNS changes.

Example Output:

The command returns a Boolean expression, like yes or no, indicating whether updates are currently enabled.


In summary, the resolvconf command in Debian implementations provides extensive utilities for managing DNS configurations dynamically. By serving as a bridge between inputs and DNS-consuming applications, resolvconf ensures DNS accuracy and responsiveness amidst changing network contexts. Understanding and employing the outlined use cases can significantly enhance your system administration tasks and fine-tune DNS management processes.

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