How to use the command 'resolveip' (with examples)

How to use the command 'resolveip' (with examples)

The ‘resolveip’ command is a useful tool for resolving hostnames to their IP addresses and vice versa. It can be used to quickly find the IP address of a given hostname or determine the hostname associated with a given IP address. This command is particularly helpful when troubleshooting network connectivity issues or verifying DNS configurations.

Use case 1: Resolve a hostname to an IP address




Resolving a hostname to an IP address can be useful when you want to know the IP address of a specific domain or website. This information can be helpful in troubleshooting network issues or verifying DNS records.


The ‘resolveip’ command takes the hostname as an argument and resolves it to its corresponding IP address. In this use case, we provide the hostname ’’ as the argument.

Example output:

IP address of is

Use case 2: Resolve an IP address to a hostname




Sometimes, you might have an IP address and want to find out the corresponding hostname. This information can be useful when investigating potential IP-based attacks or verifying the reverse DNS entries for an IP address.


In this use case, we provide the IP address ‘’ as the argument to the ‘resolveip’ command. It resolves the IP address to its corresponding hostname.

Example output:

Hostname of is

Use case 3: Silent mode. Produces less output


resolveip --silent


By default, the ‘resolveip’ command provides informative output that includes the resolved IP address or hostname. However, in some cases, you may want only the resolved IP address or hostname without any additional information. In such situations, using the silent mode can save unnecessary output.


In this use case, we add the ‘–silent’ option to the ‘resolveip’ command when resolving the hostname ’’. This flag ensures that only the IP address or hostname is displayed, without any additional details.

Example output:


The ‘resolveip’ command is a handy tool for quickly resolving hostnames to their IP addresses and vice versa. With its simple syntax and useful options like silent mode, it proves useful in troubleshooting network connectivity or verifying DNS configurations. By leveraging the power of ‘resolveip’, system administrators can easily obtain the desired IP address or hostname information with ease.

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