How to use the command 'rga' (with examples)

How to use the command 'rga' (with examples)

Ripgrep-all (rga) is a powerful command-line tool that extends the capabilities of ripgrep, which is a popular tool for recursively searching directories for regex patterns. What makes rga particularly useful is its ability to search within a variety of file types using adapters such as ffmpeg, pandoc, and poppler. This makes it a versatile tool for developers, researchers, and anyone who frequently works with diverse file formats.

Use case 1: Search recursively for a pattern in all files in the current directory


rga regular_expression


Imagine you have a large project folder with numerous subdirectories containing a variety of file types, such as text files, PDFs, and Word documents. You need to locate every instance of a specific keyword, for example, “Confidential”, embedded anywhere within this chaotic collection. Using rga, you can efficiently traverse through the directory hierarchy, inspecting each file to find your desired pattern.


  • rga: This is the command invocation. It tells the system to execute the rga tool.
  • regular_expression: This placeholder denotes the regex pattern you’re searching for. In real scenarios, you would replace this with your actual search term or pattern.

Example output:

/path/to/file1.txt:5:Confidential information found in this section.
/path/to/docs/file2.pdf:12:The document contains confidential elements.
/path/to/reports/confidential_report.docx:47:Ensure this data is treated as confidential.

This output indicates the path to each file where the term “Confidential” appears, along with line numbers where applicable.

Use case 2: List available adapters


rga --rga-list-adapters


When dealing with a variety of file formats, it’s crucial to know which adapters rga can utilize to process these files. By listing available adapters, users can better understand which file types can be processed and if any additional configuration or installation is required.


  • --rga-list-adapters: This option instructs rga to display a list of all adapters available to it. Adapters serve as bridges to different file types, allowing rga to parse through non-plain-text formats like videos, PDFs, or office documents.

Example output:

Available adapters:
- ffmpeg: Used for multimedia files.
- pandoc: Used for document formats like docx, odt.
- poppler: Used for PDF files.
- ... (other adapters)

This output lists the adapters found on your system that rga can employ, each suited for different kinds of files.

Use case 3: Change which adapters to use


rga --rga-adapters=adapter1,adapter2 regular_expression


Sometimes, you may want to limit which adapters rga uses during its search, either for performance reasons or to handle specific file types pertinent to your task. By specifying the adapters, users can tailor the search process to meet their specific needs, like focusing only on multimedia files.


  • --rga-adapters=adapter1,adapter2: This option specifies which adapters rga should utilize for the search. The user provides a comma-separated list of desired adapters, such as ffmpeg for audio/video and poppler for PDFs.
  • regular_expression: As before, this represents the search pattern you’re interested in finding.

Example output:

Using adapters: ffmpeg, poppler
/video/path/sample.mp4:Timestamp 00:01:23: "Confidential info revealed."
/path/to/sample.pdf:Page 3: "Confidential discussion."

This indicates that rga has employed ffmpeg and poppler to scan multimedia and PDF files specifically and has found instances of the search term.

Use case 4: Search for a pattern using mime type instead of the file extension


rga --rga-accurate regular_expression


While file extensions typically signal the format of a file, they can be misleading or incorrect due to user error or intentional renaming. Searching by mime type — the actual nature of the data in the file — ensures greater accuracy, albeit at a potentially slower scanning speed.


  • --rga-accurate: This flag tells rga to perform a more rigorous search using the file’s mime type rather than relying on the extension for determining file handling strategy, providing more reliable search results when extensions are unreliable.

Example output:

Found using mime type analysis:
/actual/mime/type/dir/file1:Line 20: Contains sensitive material - "Confidential Data".
/another/path/actual_file:Page 2: "Top Secret".

This output reflects a search that’s been singled out based on actual content-type, overriding potentially misleading file extensions.

Use case 5: Display help


rga --help


Whenever users need a quick reference for rga options or usage patterns, the help command is a vital resource. Whether you’re a seasoned user or a newcomer, it’s beneficial to familiarize yourself with a command’s capabilities and available options.


  • --help: This command argument prompts rga to present a comprehensive help message detailing its options, syntax, and potential usage examples, which is invaluable for learning or refreshing knowledge about the tool.

Example output:

    --help                     Show this help message and exit
    --rga-list-adapters        List available adapters
    --rga-adapters=ADAPTERS    Set adapters to use, separated by commas
    --rga-accurate             Search using mime type rather than extension

This help message snapshot provides a clear overview of rga’s capabilities, guiding users on how to leverage the tool effectively.


Understanding how to effectively utilize rga can significantly enhance one’s file searching prowess. From pinpointing specific terms within a disordered file structure to defining precise adapter use and mime type accuracy, rga caters to a broad range of file searching needs. Whether you’re navigating directories brimming with diverse files or simply seeking guidance on command options, rga offers a high degree of flexibility and accuracy.

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