Using rgpt Command for Automated Code Review (with examples)

Using rgpt Command for Automated Code Review (with examples)

1: Asking GPT to improve the code with no extra options


rgpt --i "$(git diff path/to/file)"


This command allows developers to leverage GPT’s capabilities to improve their code using an automated code review tool. By providing the code changes made in a specific file, developers can receive suggestions and improvements from GPT.


The --i argument is used to input code changes to the rgpt command. In this use case, git diff path/to/file is passed as the input, which retrieves the diff of the specified file. This allows GPT to review and suggest improvements for the code changes made in that file.

Example Output:

The output of this command will be the reviewed code with GPT’s suggested improvements. These suggestions can include code optimizations, style improvements, potential bugs, and other recommendations to enhance the code quality.

2: Getting a more detailed verbose output from rgpt while reviewing the code


rgpt --v --i "$(git diff path/to/file)"


In some cases, developers may require a more detailed and extensive review of their code. By enabling the verbose output option, they can gain more insights and recommendations from GPT regarding their code changes.


The --v argument is used to enable verbose output during the code review process. By including this option, developers can receive more detailed and extensive suggestions from GPT. This allows for a deeper analysis and understanding of the code modifications.

Example Output:

Enabling the verbose output option will provide a more comprehensive review of the code changes. The output could include detailed explanations of the suggested improvements, possible alternative implementations, and even potential pitfalls or anti-patterns in the code.

3: Asking GPT to improve the code and limit it to a certain amount of GPT3 tokens


rgpt --max 300 --i "$(git diff path/to/file)"


Controlling the number of GPT3 tokens used for code improvement can be crucial in managing costs, response time, or any usage limitations imposed by the GPT3 API. By setting a maximum token limit, developers can optimize their code review process accordingly.


The --max argument is used to specify the maximum number of GPT3 tokens to be used during the code review. In this example, 300 tokens are set as the limit. By limiting the token count, developers can ensure that the review process remains within their desired constraints.

Example Output:

With the specified token limit, GPT will provide code improvements and suggestions while keeping the total token usage below the specified limit. The output will contain the reviewed code, potentially with truncated suggestions if they exceed the specified token count.

4: Asking GPT for a more unique result using a float value between 0 and 2


rgpt --pres 1.2 --i "$(git diff path/to/file)"


Generating more unique and diverse code suggestions can help developers explore different approaches and solutions. By adjusting the presentation parameter, developers can influence the output’s uniqueness level and obtain a wider range of possibilities.


The --pres argument is used to adjust the presentation parameter, which determines the randomness and creativity of the output. In this example, a value of 1.2 is used to increase the uniqueness. Higher values, up to 2, generate more diverse suggestions.

Example Output:

By setting a higher presentation parameter, GPT will produce more unique and creative code suggestions. The output might include alternative implementations, unconventional approaches, or out-of-the-box ideas that developers can consider during their code review process.

5: Asking GPT to review your code using a specific model


rgpt --model davinci --i "$(git diff path/to/file)"


Different GPT models have varying capabilities, training data, and performances. By specifying a specific model, developers can leverage the strengths and characteristics of that particular model, tailoring the code review to their specific needs.


The --model argument is used to select a specific GPT model for the code review. In this example, the davinci model is used. Developers can choose from a range of models available based on their requirements, such as model size, runtime, or specific language understanding.

Example Output:

Using the specified GPT model for code review will generate suggestions and improvements aligned with that model’s training and capabilities. Each GPT model might provide different insights, coding style preferences, or potential issues based on its specific training data and knowledge.

6: Making rgpt use a JSON output


rgpt --json --i "$(git diff path/to/file)"


Utilizing a JSON output format can facilitate programmatic parsing, integration, and further analysis of the code review results. Developers can incorporate the JSON output into their existing tools, systems, or workflows seamlessly.


The --json argument is used to specify the JSON output format for the code review results. By enabling this option, the output of the rgpt command will be formatted as JSON, allowing developers to easily extract and process the review data.

Example Output:

Enabling the JSON output format will produce the code review results in a structured JSON format. This format can include information such as the reviewed code, GPT’s suggestions and improvements, confidence scores, or any other relevant metadata necessary for programmatic processing or analysis.


The rgpt command, an automated code review tool powered by GPT, offers developers a flexible and powerful way to enhance their code quality. By illustrating different use cases of the command and providing detailed code examples, this article demonstrates how developers can leverage rgpt to improve their code effectively. Whether it’s obtaining general suggestions, refining specific settings, or integrating with existing workflows, rgpt opens up new possibilities for code review automation.

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