How to use the command 'rgrep' (with examples)

How to use the command 'rgrep' (with examples)

The command ‘rgrep’ is a powerful tool that allows users to recursively search for patterns in files using regular expressions. It is the equivalent of the ‘grep -r’ command. With ‘rgrep’, users can specify various options to customize their search, such as ignoring case, using extended regular expressions, and searching for exact strings. This article will provide examples of each use case to illustrate how to effectively use the ‘rgrep’ command.

Use case 1: Recursively search for a pattern in the current working directory


rgrep "search_pattern"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to search for a specific pattern within all the files in the current working directory and its subdirectories.

Explanation: The ‘rgrep’ command with just the ‘search_pattern’ argument will recursively search for that pattern in all the files within the current working directory and its subdirectories.

Example output: If you run the command rgrep "hello", it will search for the pattern “hello” in all the files within the current working directory and its subdirectories.

Use case 2: Recursively search for a case-insensitive pattern in the current working directory


rgrep --ignore-case "search_pattern"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to search for a pattern, but you want the search to be case-insensitive.

Explanation: The ‘–ignore-case’ option tells ‘rgrep’ to perform a case-insensitive search for the specified pattern. It will match the pattern regardless of whether it is in uppercase or lowercase.

Example output: If you run the command rgrep --ignore-case "hello", it will search for the pattern “hello” case-insensitively in all the files within the current working directory and its subdirectories.

Use case 3: Recursively search for an extended regular expression pattern in the current working directory


rgrep --extended-regexp "search_pattern"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to use extended regular expressions to search for patterns that include special characters such as ‘?’, ‘+’, ‘{}’, ‘()’ and ‘|’.

Explanation: The ‘–extended-regexp’ option allows ‘rgrep’ to interpret the pattern as an extended regular expression. This means that special characters like ‘?’, ‘+’, ‘{}’, ‘()’ and ‘|’ will have their special meaning in the pattern.

Example output: If you run the command rgrep --extended-regexp "hello.{2}world", it will search for the pattern “hello”, followed by any two characters, followed by “world” in all the files within the current working directory and its subdirectories.

Use case 4: Recursively search for an exact string in the current working directory


rgrep --fixed-strings "exact_string"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to search for an exact string without considering any special characters that might be interpreted as regular expression metacharacters.

Explanation: The ‘–fixed-strings’ option tells ‘rgrep’ to treat the pattern as an exact string and disables the interpretation of any regular expression metacharacters.

Example output: If you run the command rgrep --fixed-strings "hello world", it will search for the exact string “hello world” in all the files within the current working directory and its subdirectories.

Use case 5: Recursively search for a pattern in a specified directory (or file)


rgrep "search_pattern" path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to search for a pattern in a specific directory or file, rather than the current working directory.

Explanation: By specifying the path to a file or directory after the pattern, ‘rgrep’ will recursively search for the pattern in that specific location.

Example output: If you run the command rgrep "hello" path/to/directory, it will search for the pattern “hello” in all the files within the “path/to/directory” directory and its subdirectories.


The ‘rgrep’ command is a powerful tool for recursively searching for patterns in files using regular expressions. Whether you need to search for patterns in the current working directory or in a specified directory or file, ‘rgrep’ offers various options to customize your search. By mastering the different use cases presented in this article, you will be able to efficiently use the ‘rgrep’ command for your searching needs.

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