How to use the command 'rip' (with examples)

How to use the command 'rip' (with examples)

Rip is a command-line tool that allows users to remove files or directories from specified locations and place them in a graveyard, where they can be recovered if needed. It provides a simple and convenient way to temporarily delete files or directories without permanently losing them.

Use case 1: Remove files or directories from specified locations and place them in the graveyard


command-name: rip path/to/file_or_directory path/to/another/file_or_directory

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to remove certain files or directories from your system temporarily, without permanently deleting them. By using the ‘rip’ command, these files or directories will be sent to the graveyard, where they can be easily recovered if needed.

Explanation: In this example, the ‘rip’ command is used to remove two files or directories: ‘path/to/file_or_directory’ and ‘path/to/another/file_or_directory’. These files or directories will be moved to the graveyard and can be recovered later.

Example output:

The files/directories 'path/to/file_or_directory' and 'path/to/another/file_or_directory' have been successfully sent to the graveyard.

Use case 2: Interactively remove files or directories with a prompt before every removal


command-name: rip --inspect path/to/file_or_directory path/to/another/file_or_directory

Motivation: When handling sensitive or important files, it may be necessary to have an extra layer of confirmation before deleting them. The ‘–inspect’ option provides a prompt for every removal, allowing users to confirm or cancel the deletion.

Explanation: In this example, the ‘rip’ command is used with the ‘–inspect’ option to interactively remove two files or directories: ‘path/to/file_or_directory’ and ‘path/to/another/file_or_directory’. Before each removal, a prompt will be displayed asking for confirmation.

Example output:

Are you sure you want to remove 'path/to/file_or_directory'? (y/n)
> y
'path/to/file_or_directory' has been sent to the graveyard.
Are you sure you want to remove 'path/to/another/file_or_directory'? (y/n)
> n
'path/to/another/file_or_directory' has not been removed.

Use case 3: List all files and directories in the graveyard that were originally within the current directory


command-name: rip --seance

Motivation: It can be helpful to have a quick overview of all the files and directories that have been sent to the graveyard. The ‘–seance’ option lists all the files and directories that were originally within the current directory.

Explanation: In this example, the ‘rip’ command is used with the ‘–seance’ option to list all the files and directories in the graveyard that were originally within the current directory.

Example output:

Graveyard contents:
1. path/to/file_or_directory
2. path/to/another/file_or_directory

Use case 4: Permanently delete every file and directory in the graveyard


command-name: rip --decompose

Motivation: There may be cases where you want to permanently delete all the files and directories in the graveyard, without the possibility of recovery. The ‘–decompose’ option allows for the permanent removal of all the items in the graveyard.

Explanation: In this example, the ‘rip’ command is used with the ‘–decompose’ option to permanently delete every file and directory in the graveyard.

Example output:

All files and directories in the graveyard have been permanently deleted.

Use case 5: Put back the files and directories which were affected by the most recent removal


command-name: rip --unbury

Motivation: If you mistakenly removed files or directories and want to restore them, the ‘–unbury’ option comes in handy. It allows you to put back the files and directories that were affected by the most recent removal.

Explanation: In this example, the ‘rip’ command is used with the ‘–unbury’ option to put back the files and directories that were affected by the most recent removal.

Example output:

The most recent removed files/directories have been restored.

Use case 6: Put back every file and directory that is listed by ‘rip –seance’


command-name: rip --seance --unbury

Motivation: If you want to restore all the files and directories listed by the ‘rip –seance’ command, you can use the ‘–unbury’ option to put them back. This is useful when you want to recover multiple items at once.

Explanation: In this example, the ‘rip’ command is used with the ‘–seance –unbury’ options to put back every file and directory that is listed by the ‘rip –seance’ command.

Example output:

All the files/directories listed in the graveyard have been restored.


The ‘rip’ command provides a convenient way to remove files or directories temporarily and place them in a graveyard for easy recovery. By exploring different use cases and understanding the options available, users can make the most out of this command and manage their files more effectively.

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