How to use the command ripmime (with examples)

How to use the command ripmime (with examples)

Ripmime is a command line tool used to extract attachments from a MIME encoded email package. It is a useful tool for extracting files from email messages that are sent in MIME format.

Use case 1: Extract file contents in the current directory


ripmime -i path/to/file


This use case is helpful when you want to extract the file contents from a MIME encoded email package and have them saved in the current working directory. It allows you to easily access the extracted files without having to specify a destination directory.


  • -i path/to/file: Specifies the path to the input file. The path/to/file should be replaced with the actual path to the MIME encoded email package you want to extract the contents from.

Example output:

The extracted file contents will be saved in the current working directory.

Use case 2: Extract file contents in a specific directory


ripmime -i path/to/file -d path/to/directory


Sometimes, it is necessary to specify a specific directory where you want the extracted file contents to be saved. This use case allows you to define a destination directory and have all the extracted files organized in that directory.


  • -i path/to/file: Specifies the path to the input file. The path/to/file should be replaced with the actual path to the MIME encoded email package you want to extract the contents from.
  • -d path/to/directory: Specifies the path to the destination directory where the extracted file contents should be saved. The path/to/directory should be replaced with the actual path to the desired directory.

Example output:

The extracted file contents will be saved in the specified directory (path/to/directory).

Use case 3: Extract file contents and print verbose output


ripmime -i path/to/file -v


When you need more information about the extraction process, including which files were extracted and their details, using the verbose mode can be very useful. It provides a detailed output during the extraction process.


  • -i path/to/file: Specifies the path to the input file. The path/to/file should be replaced with the actual path to the MIME encoded email package you want to extract the contents from.
  • -v: Enables the verbose mode, which displays detailed output during the extraction process.

Example output:

The output will include detailed information about the extraction process, such as the names and paths of the extracted files.

Use case 4: Get detailed information about the whole decoding process


ripmime -i path/to/file --debug


If you need to debug any issues related to the decoding process, this use case will provide extensive information about each step of the decoding process. The debug mode helps in understanding and resolving any problems encountered during the extraction.


  • -i path/to/file: Specifies the path to the input file. The path/to/file should be replaced with the actual path to the MIME encoded email package you want to extract the contents from.
  • --debug: Enables the debug mode, which provides detailed information about the entire decoding process.

Example output:

The output will provide in-depth information about each step of the decoding process, including any errors or warnings encountered.


Ripmime is a powerful command line tool for extracting attachments from MIME encoded email packages. It offers various options to customize the extraction process, such as specifying a destination directory, enabling verbose output, and obtaining detailed debugging information. These use cases cover different scenarios where ripmime can be used effectively.

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