How to use the command rmmod (with examples)

How to use the command rmmod (with examples)

The rmmod command is used to remove modules from the Linux kernel. Modules are dynamically-loadable object files that contain code to extend the functionality of the kernel without requiring a reboot. The rmmod command allows users to remove these modules, freeing up system resources and potentially resolving compatibility issues.

Use case 1: Remove a module from the kernel


sudo rmmod module_name

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to remove a specific module from the Linux kernel. This can be useful when troubleshooting issues or when a module is no longer needed.


  • sudo: This command is used to execute rmmod with administrative privileges (root access).
  • rmmod: This is the command used to remove modules from the Linux kernel.
  • module_name: This is the name of the module that you want to remove from the kernel.

Example output: There will be no output if the module is successfully removed. If there are any errors or issues, they will be displayed on the console.

Use case 2: Remove a module from the kernel and display verbose information


sudo rmmod --verbose module_name

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to remove a module from the Linux kernel while also getting detailed information about the removal process. This can be useful for troubleshooting or debugging purposes.


  • sudo: This command is used to execute rmmod with administrative privileges (root access).
  • rmmod: This is the command used to remove modules from the Linux kernel.
  • --verbose: This option instructs rmmod to display verbose information about the removal process.
  • module_name: This is the name of the module that you want to remove from the kernel.

Example output: The output will provide detailed information about the removal process, such as which dependencies were resolved and the status of each step. This can help in understanding the impact of removing the module.

Use case 3: Remove a module from the kernel and send errors to syslog


sudo rmmod --syslog module_name

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to remove a module from the Linux kernel while sending any errors or issues that occur during the removal process to the system log (syslog). This can be useful for centralized logging and troubleshooting purposes.


  • sudo: This command is used to execute rmmod with administrative privileges (root access).
  • rmmod: This is the command used to remove modules from the Linux kernel.
  • --syslog: This option instructs rmmod to send any errors or issues that occur during the removal process to the system log (syslog).
  • module_name: This is the name of the module that you want to remove from the kernel.

Example output: The output will not be displayed on the console. Instead, the errors or issues that occur during the removal process will be recorded in the system log (syslog).

Use case 4: Display help


rmmod --help

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to get help and learn more about the usage and options of the rmmod command.


  • rmmod: This is the command used to remove modules from the Linux kernel.
  • --help: This option displays the help menu for the rmmod command, providing information on its usage and available options.

Example output: The output will display a help menu containing information about the usage and options of the rmmod command.

Use case 5: Display version


rmmod --version

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to check the version of the rmmod command installed on the system.


  • rmmod: This is the command used to remove modules from the Linux kernel.
  • --version: This option displays the version information of the rmmod command.

Example output: The output will display the version of the rmmod command installed on the system.


The rmmod command is a powerful tool for removing modules from the Linux kernel. Whether you need to remove a specific module, gather detailed information about the removal process, send errors to the system log, or simply get help, rmmod provides various options to meet your needs. Remember to use it with caution, as removing essential kernel modules can cause system instability or functionality issues.

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