rpi-imager (with examples)

rpi-imager (with examples)

Writing a specific image to a specific block device

To write a specific image to a specific block device, use the following command:

rpi-imager --cli path/to/image.zip /dev/sdX

Motivation: This command allows you to flash a specific image onto a specific block device, such as an SD card or USB drive. It is useful when you want to install a customized operating system or image onto a storage device for use with a Raspberry Pi or other compatible device.


  • --cli: This flag indicates that we are using the command-line interface (CLI) of rpi-imager.
  • path/to/image.zip: Path to the image file that you want to write to the block device. Replace path/to/image.zip with the actual path to your image file.
  • /dev/sdX: The specific block device where you want to write the image. Replace /dev/sdX with the actual block device identifier.

Example Output:

Flashing image /path/to/image.zip to /dev/sdX...
Image successfully written to /dev/sdX.

Writing a specific image to a block device, disabling checksum verification

To write a specific image to a block device while disabling checksum verification, use the following command:

rpi-imager --cli --disable-verify path/to/image.zip /dev/sdX

Motivation: Sometimes, the checksum verification process during image flashing can be time-consuming, especially if you trust the integrity of the image file. Disabling the checksum verification can save time when flashing the image onto the block device.


  • --cli: This flag indicates that we are using the command-line interface (CLI) of rpi-imager.
  • --disable-verify: This argument disables the checksum verification process. It skips the verification step during image flashing.
  • path/to/image.zip: Path to the image file that you want to write to the block device. Replace path/to/image.zip with the actual path to your image file.
  • /dev/sdX: The specific block device where you want to write the image. Replace /dev/sdX with the actual block device identifier.

Example Output:

Flashing image /path/to/image.zip to /dev/sdX...
Verification disabled.
Image successfully written to /dev/sdX.

Writing a specific image to a block device, expecting a specific checksum

To write a specific image to a block device and specify a specific checksum for verification, use the following command:

rpi-imager --cli --sha256 expected_hash path/to/image.zip /dev/sdX

Motivation: Specifying a specific checksum can ensure the integrity and authenticity of the image file being flashed onto the block device. It allows you to verify that the image has not been modified or corrupted.


  • --cli: This flag indicates that we are using the command-line interface (CLI) of rpi-imager.
  • --sha256: This argument specifies that the expected hash is a SHA256 checksum.
  • expected_hash: The specific expected hash value of the image file. Replace expected_hash with the actual hash value.
  • path/to/image.zip: Path to the image file that you want to write to the block device. Replace path/to/image.zip with the actual path to your image file.
  • /dev/sdX: The specific block device where you want to write the image. Replace /dev/sdX with the actual block device identifier.

Example Output:

Flashing image /path/to/image.zip to /dev/sdX...
Verifying image checksum with SHA256 hash: expected_hash.
Image successfully written to /dev/sdX.
Verification successful.

Each of the above use cases demonstrates different ways to utilize the rpi-imager command for flashing images onto storage devices. From writing images to a specific block device to customizing the verification process, these commands provide flexibility and control over the flashing process. By understanding each use case and its potential benefits, users can make the most of the rpi-imager tool in various scenarios.

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