How to use the command rpm2cpio (with examples)

How to use the command rpm2cpio (with examples)

RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is a package management system for Linux-based operating systems. The rpm2cpio command is used to convert an RPM package to a cpio archive. This can be useful in cases where you need to extract the contents of an RPM package without installing it.

Use case 1: Convert an RPM package to a cpio archive and save it as file.cpio in the current directory.


rpm2cpio path/to/file.rpm > file.cpio

Motivation: You might want to convert an RPM package to a cpio archive to extract its contents or analyze the package without actually installing it.


  • rpm2cpio: This is the command itself.
  • path/to/file.rpm: The path to the RPM package that you want to convert.
  • >: This symbol is used to redirect the output of the rpm2cpio command to a file.
  • file.cpio: The name of the file where the cpio archive will be saved. You can choose any desired name for the output file.

Example output:

$ rpm2cpio path/to/file.rpm > file.cpio
$ ls

In this example, the RPM package located at path/to/file.rpm is converted to a cpio archive using the rpm2cpio command. The resulting archive is saved as file.cpio in the current directory.

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