How to use the command rpmbuild (with examples)

How to use the command rpmbuild (with examples)

This article provides examples of how to use the rpmbuild command, which is the RPM Package Build tool. The rpmbuild command is used for creating RPM packages in Linux.

Use case 1: Build binary and source packages


rpmbuild -ba path/to/spec_file

Motivation: The -ba option in the rpmbuild command is used to build both binary and source packages. This is useful when you want to create a package that includes both the compiled binary file and the source code.


  • rpmbuild: The command itself, which starts the RPM Package Build tool.
  • -ba: Option that tells rpmbuild to build both the binary and source packages.
  • path/to/spec_file: The path to the spec file which contains the instructions for building the package.

Example output: The rpmbuild command will create two packages: a binary package (.rpm) and a source package (.src.rpm).

Use case 2: Build a binary package without source package


rpmbuild -bb path/to/spec_file

Motivation: The -bb option in the rpmbuild command is used when you only want to build the binary package and exclude the source package. This is useful when you don’t need to distribute the source code but only the compiled binary.


  • rpmbuild: The command itself, which starts the RPM Package Build tool.
  • -bb: Option that tells rpmbuild to build only the binary package and skip the source package.
  • path/to/spec_file: The path to the spec file which contains the instructions for building the package.

Example output: The rpmbuild command will create a binary package (.rpm) without any source package (.src.rpm).

Use case 3: Specify additional variables when building a package


rpmbuild -bb path/to/spec_file --define "variable1 value1" --define "variable2 value2"

Motivation: In some cases, you may need to pass additional variables to the rpmbuild command to customize the build process. The –define option is used to specify the variables and their values.


  • rpmbuild: The command itself, which starts the RPM Package Build tool.
  • -bb: Option that tells rpmbuild to build only the binary package.
  • path/to/spec_file: The path to the spec file which contains the instructions for building the package.
  • –define “variable1 value1”: Specifies an additional variable and its value to be used during the build process.
  • –define “variable2 value2”: Specifies a second additional variable and its value to be used during the build process.

Example output: The rpmbuild command will create a binary package (.rpm) using the additional variables specified. These variables can be used in the spec file to control the build process or customize the package.


The rpmbuild command is a powerful tool for creating RPM packages in Linux. It allows you to build both binary and source packages, build only the binary package, and specify additional variables during the build process. By understanding these different use cases and options, you will be able to effectively use the rpmbuild command to package and distribute your software in the RPM format.

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