How to use the command 'rpmspec' (with examples)

How to use the command 'rpmspec' (with examples)

The ‘rpmspec’ command is used to query or parse a RPM spec file. It provides various options to extract information about the binary or source packages that would be generated from the spec file.

Use case 1: List binary packages which would be generated from a rpm spec file


rpmspec --query path/to/rpm.spec

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to know the names of the binary packages that would be created by the RPM spec file. It can be useful in understanding the overall structure of the RPM package.


  • rpmspec - The command itself.
  • --query - This option is used for querying information from the spec file.
  • path/to/rpm.spec - Path to the RPM spec file for which you want to list the binary packages.

Example Output:


Use case 2: List all options for --queryformat


rpmspec --querytags

Motivation: In this use case, you can find all the available tags or options that can be used with the --queryformat option. This is useful when you want to customize the output format of the queries.


  • rpmspec - The command itself.
  • --querytags - This option lists all the available tags or options which can be used with --queryformat.

Example Output:


Use case 3: Get summary information for single binary packages generated from a rpm spec file


rpmspec --query --queryformat "%{name}: %{summary}\n" path/to/rpm.spec

Motivation: This use case allows you to get a summary of the binary packages generated from a spec file. It is helpful when you want to quickly check the summary information of the packages.


  • rpmspec - The command itself.
  • --query - This option is used for querying information from the spec file.
  • --queryformat "%{name}: %{summary}\n" - This is the format string used to specify the output format. It displays the name of the package followed by its summary.
  • path/to/rpm.spec - Path to the RPM spec file for which you want to get the summary information.

Example Output:

package1: This is the summary of package1
package2: This is the summary of package2

Use case 4: Get the source package which would be generated from a rpm spec file


rpmspec --query --srpm path/to/rpm.spec

Motivation: In this use case, you can retrieve the source package that would be generated from the RPM spec file. It is useful when you want to determine the source package version or access its contents.


  • rpmspec - The command itself.
  • --query - This option is used for querying information from the spec file.
  • --srpm - This option retrieves the source package that would be generated from the spec file.
  • path/to/rpm.spec - Path to the RPM spec file for which you want to get the source package.

Example Output:


Use case 5: Parse a rpm spec file to stdout


rpmspec --parse path/to/rpm.spec

Motivation: This use case allows you to parse a RPM spec file and display its contents on the terminal. It can be useful when you want to review the spec file structure or check for any errors or warnings.


  • rpmspec - The command itself.
  • --parse - This option is used to parse the spec file and output its contents to stdout.
  • path/to/rpm.spec - Path to the RPM spec file you want to parse.

Example Output:

Name: package1
Version: 1.0


The ‘rpmspec’ command provides several useful options to query or parse a RPM spec file. With these options, you can list binary packages, retrieve source package information, and parse and query spec files in different formats. Understanding how to use these options can be valuable for managing and inspecting RPM packages.

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