Using rss2email (with examples)

Using rss2email (with examples)

List all feeds

To list all feeds, you can use the r2e list command. This will display a list of all the RSS feeds that have been added to rss2email.

r2e list

Motivation: This command is useful if you want to quickly view a list of all the RSS feeds that rss2email is currently subscribed to.

Explanation: The list subcommand is used to list all the feeds that have been added to rss2email.

Example Output:

1. Feed Name 1 - feed_address_1
2. Feed Name 2 - feed_address_2
3. Feed Name 3 - feed_address_3

Convert RSS entries to email

To convert RSS entries to email, you can use the r2e run command. This command will fetch new RSS entries from the subscribed feeds and convert them into email format.

r2e run

Motivation: This command is useful if you want to fetch new updates from the subscribed RSS feeds and receive them in your email client. It automates the process of checking for updates manually.

Explanation: The run subcommand triggers rss2email to fetch new RSS entries and convert them into email format. It is typically used in a cron job or scheduled task to regularly check for updates.

Example Output: (No output will be displayed, as the command runs silently in the background)

Add a feed

To add a new RSS feed to rss2email, you can use the r2e add command followed by the feed address. This will add the specified RSS feed to the list of subscribed feeds.

r2e add feed_address

Motivation: The add command allows you to easily add new RSS feeds to rss2email. This is useful if you come across a new website or blog that you want to stay updated on.

Explanation: The add subcommand is used to add a new RSS feed to rss2email. You need to provide the feed address as an argument, which is the URL of the RSS feed.

Example Output: (No output will be displayed if the feed is added successfully)

Add a feed with a specific email address

To add a new RSS feed to rss2email with a specific email address, you can use the r2e add command followed by the feed address and the email address. This allows you to customize the email address to which the updates will be sent.

r2e add feed_address

Motivation: This command is useful if you want to receive updates from a specific RSS feed to a different email address than your default email address. It provides flexibility in managing multiple email addresses.

Explanation: The add subcommand is used to add a new RSS feed to rss2email, just like the previous use case. In this case, you also need to provide the new email address as an argument, which will override the default email address for this specific feed.

Example Output: (No output will be displayed if the feed is added successfully)

Delete a specific feed

To delete a specific RSS feed from rss2email, you can use the r2e delete command followed by the number corresponding to the feed in the list. This will remove the specified feed from the list of subscribed feeds.

r2e delete number_of_feed_in_list

Motivation: The delete command allows you to easily remove unwanted RSS feeds from rss2email. This is useful if you no longer want to receive updates from a particular source.

Explanation: The delete subcommand is used to remove a specific RSS feed from rss2email. You need to provide the number corresponding to the feed in the list as an argument, which can be obtained from the r2e list command.

Example Output: (No output will be displayed if the feed is deleted successfully)

Display help

To display help information about rss2email and its commands, you can use the -h or --help option with the r2e command.

r2e -h

Motivation: This command is useful if you need a quick reference for all the available commands and options in rss2email. It provides a summary of the usage and functionality.

Explanation: The -h or --help option displays the help information for rss2email, including a list of available commands and their descriptions.

Example Output: (Output will vary depending on the version of rss2email, but it typically provides a summary of the available commands and options)

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