How to use the command rsstail (with examples)

How to use the command rsstail (with examples)

rsstail is a command-line tool that functions like the “tail” command, but specifically tailored for RSS feeds. It allows users to view feeds, customize the output, and set update intervals. This command is useful for keeping track of updates on various RSS feeds without needing to open a web browser.

Use case 1: Show the feed of a given URL and wait for new entries appearing at the bottom


rsstail -u url

Motivation: This use case allows users to display the contents of an RSS feed and continuously monitor for new entries. It is useful to stay up-to-date with the latest information without manually refreshing the feed.


  • rsstail: The command itself.
  • -u url: Specifies the URL of the RSS feed.

Example output:

- New Article 1
- New Article 2
- New Article 3

Use case 2: Show the feed in reverse chronological order (newer at the bottom)


rsstail -r -u url

Motivation: Sometimes it is more convenient to view the latest entries at the bottom. This use case allows users to customize the order of the feed, ensuring the newest entries are easily visible.


  • -r: Specifies that the feed should be displayed in reverse order.
  • -u url: Specifies the URL of the RSS feed.

Example output:

- Older Article 3
- Older Article 2
- Older Article 1


rsstail -pl -u url

Motivation: This use case allows users to view additional information about each entry, such as the publication date and a link to the original source. It can be beneficial for quickly previewing the content and deciding whether to access the full article.


  • -p: Displays the publication date.
  • -l: Displays the link to the original article.
  • -u url: Specifies the URL of the RSS feed.

Example output:

- [2021-10-01] Article 1 -
- [2021-09-30] Article 2 -
- [2021-09-29] Article 3 -

Use case 4: Set update interval


rsstail -u url -i interval_in_seconds

Motivation: By setting an update interval, users can automate the process of checking for new entries. This is particularly useful when monitoring frequently updating feeds, as it eliminates the need for manual refreshing.


  • -i interval_in_seconds: Specifies the update interval in seconds.
  • -u url: Specifies the URL of the RSS feed.

Example output:

- New Article 1
- New Article 2
- New Article 3

[wait for specified interval]

- New Article 4
- New Article 5
- New Article 6

Use case 5: Show feed and exit


rsstail -1 -u url

Motivation: This use case allows users to quickly view the contents of an RSS feed without continuously monitoring. It is useful when only a single glance of the feed is needed.


  • -1: Displays the feed and exits after one iteration.
  • -u url: Specifies the URL of the RSS feed.

Example output:

- Article 1
- Article 2
- Article 3

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