How to use the command runsv (with examples)

How to use the command runsv (with examples)

The runsv command is used to start and manage a runit service. Runit is a supervisor for system services that keeps services up and running. The runsv command allows you to start a runit service either as the current user or as root.

Use case 1: Start a runit service as the current user

To start a runit service as the current user, use the following code:

runsv path/to/service

Motivation: Starting a runit service as the current user allows you to manage and monitor the service without requiring root privileges. This is useful when you want to manage a service specific to your user account, such as a personal background process.


  • runsv: The command to start and manage a runit service.
  • path/to/service: The path to the directory that contains the runit service files.

Example output:

[timestamp] service/run: Starting service...
[timestamp] service/run: Service started successfully.

Use case 2: Start a runit service as root

To start a runit service as root, use the following code:

sudo runsv path/to/service

Motivation: Starting a runit service as root allows you to manage and monitor system-wide services that require root privileges to start. This is useful when you want to start and manage critical services that are required for the proper functioning of the system.


  • sudo: The command to run another command as the superuser (root).
  • runsv: The command to start and manage a runit service.
  • path/to/service: The path to the directory that contains the runit service files.

Example output:

[sudo] password for user:
[timestamp] service/run: Starting service...
[timestamp] service/run: Service started successfully.


The runsv command is a powerful tool for starting and managing runit services. Whether you need to manage personal background processes or critical system-wide services, the runsv command provides you with the flexibility to do so with ease. By following the examples in this article, you can start and manage runit services effortlessly.

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