How to use the command rustc (with examples)

How to use the command rustc (with examples)

The rustc command is the Rust compiler, which is used to compile Rust code into executable binaries. The rustc command is typically invoked indirectly through the cargo command, which manages Rust projects. However, there are certain scenarios where directly invoking rustc can be beneficial or necessary.

Use case 1: Compile a binary crate


rustc path/to/


The rustc command can be used to directly compile a binary crate, bypassing the use of cargo. This can be useful when you want to build a simple Rust program without the need for a full-fledged project structure. It allows you to quickly compile and execute a Rust program without the additional features provided by cargo.


  • rustc: Invokes the Rust compiler.
  • path/to/ Specifies the path to the Rust source file that you want to compile.

Example output:

If the compilation is successful, it will generate an executable file named main.

Use case 2: Compile with optimizations


rustc -C lto -C opt-level=3 path/to/


By default, rustc applies certain optimizations during the compilation process. However, there are scenarios where you may want to control the level of optimizations for your program. Specifying the optimization level can improve performance or reduce the binary’s size. The -C opt-level flag allows you to set the optimization level, which can be set to values from 0 to 3 or s for optimizing for binary size.


  • rustc: Invokes the Rust compiler.
  • -C: Passes a configuration option to the compiler.
  • lto: Enables link-time optimization, which performs optimizations across multiple source files during the linking phase.
  • opt-level=3: Sets the optimization level to 3, which applies the highest level of optimizations.
  • path/to/ Specifies the path to the Rust source file that you want to compile.

Example output:

The program will be compiled with aggressive optimizations, resulting in improved performance.

Use case 3: Compile with debugging information


rustc -g path/to/


During development and debugging, it is often helpful to have access to debugging information in the compiled binary. This information enables tools like the debugger to assist with identifying issues in the code. The -g flag allows you to include debugging information in the compiled binary.


  • rustc: Invokes the Rust compiler.
  • -g: Specifies to include debugging information in the compiled binary.
  • path/to/ Specifies the path to the Rust source file that you want to compile.

Example output:

The compiled binary will contain additional debugging information, which can be utilized by debugging tools.

Use case 4: Explain an error message


rustc --explain error_code


When encountering an error message from the Rust compiler, understanding the cause and potential solutions can be challenging. The --explain flag allows you to obtain detailed explanations for specific error codes encountered during compilation. This can help in diagnosing and resolving issues in Rust code.


  • rustc: Invokes the Rust compiler.
  • --explain: Specifies to provide an explanation for a specific error code.
  • error_code: The error code for which you want to obtain an explanation.

Example output:

An in-depth explanation of the specified error code will be displayed, providing insights into the cause of the error and possible solutions.

Use case 5: Compile with architecture-specific optimizations for the current CPU


rustc -C target-cpu=native path/to/


Optimizing a program specifically for the CPU architecture on which it will run can greatly improve performance. The -C target-cpu=native flag allows rustc to automatically optimize the program for the current CPU architecture.


  • rustc: Invokes the Rust compiler.
  • -C: Passes a configuration option to the compiler.
  • target-cpu=native: Specifies to optimize the program for the CPU architecture of the current machine.
  • path/to/ Specifies the path to the Rust source file that you want to compile.

Example output:

The program will be compiled with architecture-specific optimizations, resulting in improved performance for the target machine.

Use case 6: Display the target list


rustc --print target-list


Rust supports cross-compiling, allowing you to compile Rust code for different target architectures. The --print target-list option provides a list of available targets that you can compile for. This information is especially useful when preparing to compile code for a specific target.


  • rustc: Invokes the Rust compiler.
  • --print: Specifies to print a specific information.
  • target-list: Specifies the specific information to print, which in this case is the list of available targets.

Example output:

A list of available targets will be displayed, showing the different architectures and operating systems for which you can compile Rust code.

Use case 7: Compile for a specific target


rustc --target target_triple path/to/


Cross-compiling allows you to compile Rust code for architectures or operating systems different from your development environment. The --target option specifies the target triple, which consists of the architecture, operating system, and optional environment information. This allows you to build binaries specifically for a target environment.


  • rustc: Invokes the Rust compiler.
  • --target: Specifies the target triple to compile for.
  • target_triple: The target triple representing the desired architecture, operating system, and optional environment information.
  • path/to/ Specifies the path to the Rust source file that you want to compile.

Example output:

The Rust code will be compiled for the specified target triple, generating a binary executable that can run on the target platform.

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