How to use the command 'rvm' (with examples)

How to use the command 'rvm' (with examples)

The ‘rvm’ command is a tool that allows users to easily install, manage, and work with multiple Ruby environments. It provides a convenient way to handle different versions of Ruby on the same machine.

Use case 1: Install one or more space-separated versions of Ruby


rvm install version(s)

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to install a specific version or multiple versions of Ruby on your machine.

Explanation: The ‘rvm install’ command is used to install one or more specified versions of Ruby. The ‘version(s)’ argument should be replaced with the desired version(s) of Ruby you want to install. Multiple versions can be specified by separating them with a space.

Example output:

Installing Ruby version 2.7.4...
Installation successful.

Use case 2: Display a list of installed versions


rvm list

Motivation: This use case allows you to check which versions of Ruby are currently installed on your machine.

Explanation: The ‘rvm list’ command displays a list of all the installed versions of Ruby.

Example output:

=* ruby-2.7.4 [ x86_64 ]
   ruby-3.0.2 [ x86_64 ]
   ruby-3.1.0 [ x86_64 ]
      ruby-3.2.0-dev [ x86_64 ]

# => - current
# =* - current && default
#  * - default

Use case 3: Use a specific version of Ruby


rvm use version

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to switch to and work with a particular version of Ruby.

Explanation: The ‘rvm use’ command is used to switch to a specific version of Ruby. The ‘version’ argument should be replaced with the desired version of Ruby you want to use.

Example output:

Using ruby-2.7.4

Use case 4: Set the default Ruby version


rvm --default use version

Motivation: This use case allows you to set a default version of Ruby that will be used by default whenever a new shell session is started.

Explanation: The ‘rvm –default use’ command is used to set a specific version as the default Ruby version. The ‘version’ argument should be replaced with the desired version of Ruby you want to set as the default.

Example output:

Using ruby-2.7.4

Use case 5: Upgrade a version of Ruby to a new version


rvm upgrade current_version new_version

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to upgrade an existing version of Ruby to a newer version.

Explanation: The ‘rvm upgrade’ command is used to upgrade an existing version of Ruby to a new version. The ‘current_version’ argument should be replaced with the version you want to upgrade, and the ’new_version’ argument should be replaced with the version you want to upgrade to.

Example output:

Upgrading ruby-2.7.4 to ruby-3.0.2...
Upgrade successful.

Use case 6: Uninstall a version of Ruby and keep its sources


rvm uninstall version

Motivation: This use case allows you to remove a specific version of Ruby from your machine while keeping its sources intact.

Explanation: The ‘rvm uninstall’ command is used to uninstall a specific version of Ruby. The ‘version’ argument should be replaced with the desired version of Ruby you want to uninstall. This command will remove the installed Ruby binaries but keep the source files.

Example output:

Uninstalling ruby-2.7.4...
Uninstall successful.

Use case 7: Remove a version of Ruby and its sources


rvm remove version

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to completely remove a specific version of Ruby, including its source files.

Explanation: The ‘rvm remove’ command is used to remove a specific version of Ruby. The ‘version’ argument should be replaced with the desired version of Ruby you want to remove. This command will remove both the installed Ruby binaries and the associated source files.

Example output:

Removing ruby-2.7.4...
Removal successful.

Use case 8: Show specific dependencies for your OS


rvm requirements

Motivation: This use case allows you to check the specific dependencies required for your operating system to run Ruby successfully.

Explanation: The ‘rvm requirements’ command displays a list of specific dependencies needed for your operating system to support Ruby installations. This can be helpful when setting up a new development environment.

Example output:

Checking requirements for arch.
Requirements installation successful.


The ‘rvm’ command provides a comprehensive set of features for managing and working with multiple Ruby environments. Whether you need to install, switch between versions, set defaults, upgrade, uninstall, or remove versions of Ruby, ‘rvm’ has got you covered. Additionally, it offers the ability to check specific dependencies for your operating system to ensure a smooth Ruby experience.

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