Using the `sa` Command to Summarize Accounting Information (with examples)

Using the `sa` Command to Summarize Accounting Information (with examples)

The sa command is part of the acct package and is used to summarize accounting information on a Unix-like system. It provides valuable insights into the commands called by users, CPU time spent processing, and input/output rates. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the sa command along with their code examples, motivations, explanations for every argument, and example outputs.

Display executable invocations per user (username not displayed)

sudo sa


You may want to analyze the executables invoked by users on your system without revealing their usernames for privacy or security reasons. This command allows you to anonymously view this information.


The sudo command is used to execute sa with superuser privileges. The sa command, in its simplest form, displays a summary of accounting information for all users, including the number of invocations of each executable and the total CPU time and I/O rates associated with those invocations.

Example Output:

      7 3700.00re   7720.00cp 0avio 12.85avk-wait 23.82

Display executable invocations per user, showing responsible usernames

sudo sa --print-users


If you want to get a detailed overview of the executables invoked by users on your system along with the corresponding usernames, this command provides the necessary information.


By including the --print-users argument, the sa command will print out the usernames responsible for the invoked executables, in addition to the summary information from the previous use case.

Example Output:

     28 1000.00re   2000.00cp 0avio 10.00avk-wait 19.12
bw       7 3700.00re   7720.00cp 0avio 12.85avk-wait 23.82

List resources used recently per user

sudo sa --user-summary


To track the resource utilization of individual users on your system, this command provides a concise summary of the resources used by each user over a specified time period.


The --user-summary argument allows the sa command to display a summary of resources used recently by each user. This includes CPU time spent by each user, the number of I/O operations performed, and the average wait time for these operations.

Example Output:

    **** 29.00 cpu ****

     28 1000.00re   2000.00cp 0avio 10.00avk-wait 19.12
bw       7 3700.00re   7720.00cp 0avio 12.85avk-wait 23.82


The sa command is a useful tool for summarizing accounting information on a Unix-like system. It allows you to gain insights into the commands executed by users, CPU time spent processing, and I/O rates. By understanding and utilizing the different options available, such as anonymous summaries and user-specific resource tracking, system administrators can effectively monitor and analyze system activity.

Whether you need to maintain user privacy, obtain detailed information with usernames, or track individual user resource utilization, the sa command provides the necessary functionality.

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