How to Safely Eject a GPU (with examples)

How to Safely Eject a GPU (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The SafeEjectGPU command is a utility that allows users to safely eject a GPU on their system. This command provides various use cases to manage and control GPUs attached to the system.

Use case 1: Eject all GPUs


SafeEjectGPU Eject


  • This use case is useful when you want to eject all the GPUs attached to your system at once, ensuring that they are safely disconnected.


  • SafeEjectGPU: The command used to safely eject GPUs.
  • Eject: The argument specifying that all GPUs should be ejected.

Example output:

Ejecting all GPUs...
GPU 0 ejected successfully.
GPU 1 ejected successfully.

Use case 2: List all GPUs attached


SafeEjectGPU gpus


  • You may want to quickly check which GPUs are currently attached to your system before performing any other actions.


  • SafeEjectGPU: The command used to safely eject GPUs.
  • gpus: The argument specifying that you want to list all GPUs attached.

Example output:

GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
GPU 1: AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT

Use case 3: List apps using a GPU


SafeEjectGPU gpuid GPU_ID apps


  • It can be helpful to identify which apps are currently using a specific GPU before ejecting it.


  • SafeEjectGPU: The command used to safely eject GPUs.
  • gpuid: The argument specifying that you want to list apps using a particular GPU.
  • GPU_ID: The ID of the GPU for which you want to list the apps.
  • apps: The argument specifying that you want to list the apps using the specified GPU.

Example output:

Apps using GPU 0:
- Final Cut

Apps using GPU 1:
- Adobe

Use case 4: Get the status of a GPU


SafeEjectGPU gpuid GPU_ID status


  • You may need to check the current status of a specific GPU, such as whether it is in use or idle, before performing any actions on it.


  • SafeEjectGPU: The command used to safely eject GPUs.
  • gpuid: The argument specifying that you want to get the status of a particular GPU.
  • GPU_ID: The ID of the GPU for which you want to get the status.
  • status: The argument specifying that you want to retrieve the status of the specified GPU.

Example output:

Status of GPU 0: Idle
Status of GPU 1: In use

Use case 5: Eject a GPU


SafeEjectGPU gpuid GPU_ID Eject


  • You can use this use case to safely eject a specific GPU from your system without affecting other GPUs.


  • SafeEjectGPU: The command used to safely eject GPUs.
  • gpuid: The argument specifying that you want to eject a particular GPU.
  • GPU_ID: The ID of the GPU that you want to eject.
  • Eject: The argument specifying that you want to eject the specified GPU.

Example output:

Ejecting GPU 1...
GPU 1 ejected successfully.

Use case 6: Launch an app on a GPU


SafeEjectGPU gpuid GPU_ID LaunchOnGPU path/to/


  • This use case allows you to launch a specific app directly on a chosen GPU, useful for testing or troubleshooting purposes.


  • SafeEjectGPU: The command used to safely eject GPUs.
  • gpuid: The argument specifying that you want to launch an app on a particular GPU.
  • GPU_ID: The ID of the GPU on which you want to launch the app.
  • LaunchOnGPU: The argument specifying that you want to launch an app on the specified GPU.
  • path/to/ The path to the application bundle (.app) that you want to launch on the specified GPU.

Example output:

Launching "" on GPU 0...
"" launched successfully on GPU 0.


The SafeEjectGPU command provides a versatile set of use cases to safely manage and control GPUs attached to your system. Whether you want to eject all GPUs, list attached GPUs, identify apps using a GPU, get the status of a GPU, eject a specific GPU, or launch an app on a GPU, this command offers the necessary functionality for efficient GPU management.

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