How to Use the Command 'salloc' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'salloc' (with Examples)

The salloc command is part of the Slurm workload manager, which is designed for high-performance computing environments to efficiently manage and schedule resources. Specifically, salloc is used to allocate resources on a computing cluster, allowing users to start interactive sessions or execute commands on allocated nodes. This utility is essential for managing computational workloads that require specific node configurations or real-time interaction with the cluster’s computing resources.

Use Case 1: Start an Interactive Shell Session on a Node in the Cluster




The primary motivation for starting an interactive shell session using salloc is to work directly on a node within the cluster. This is particularly useful in scenarios where real-time interaction is needed, such as troubleshooting, conducting exploratory analysis, or testing scripts and applications in the environment where they will eventually be deployed. By using salloc, users can ensure they are interacting with the correct computational resources and have the freedom to execute commands and scripts interactively.


  • salloc: This command launches an interactive session by allocating at least one node in the cluster. It connects you directly to the allocated resources, allowing you to use the command line to interact with the node.

Example Output:

Upon executing the salloc command, the user may see output similar to the following, signaling that a node has been allocated and is ready for use:

salloc: Pending job allocation ...
salloc: job 12345 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 12345 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 12345
[snode001 ~]$

This output informs the user that their job has been allocated on a specific node, and they can now execute further commands in this interactive session.

Use Case 2: Execute the Specified Command Synchronously on a Node in the Cluster


salloc ls -a


Executing a command synchronously using salloc allows a user to perform a quick, one-time task on a cluster node without needing to maintain an interactive session. This use is particularly beneficial for tasks requiring immediate execution, such as checking directory contents or running quick scripts. It utilizes cluster resources efficiently, making it ideal for simpler tasks that don’t require a prolonged interactive session.


  • salloc: This command still initiates the job allocation process to get access to a cluster node.
  • ls: A command to list directory contents, a common utility in Linux-based systems for file management.
  • -a: An option for the ls command that shows all files, including hidden files which are typically not displayed by default.

Example Output:

Upon executing this variant of salloc, the user might see:

salloc: Pending job allocation ...
salloc: job 12346 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 12346 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 12346
.  ..  .hidden_file  file1  file2

This output indicates the contents of the current working directory on the allocated node, including hidden files denoted by entries like .hidden_file.

Use Case 3: Only Allocate Nodes Fulfilling the Specified Constraints


salloc --constraint=(amd|intel)&gpu


Specifying constraints when allocating nodes is crucial when tasks have specific hardware requirements. For instance, some applications may be optimized for certain CPU architectures like AMD or Intel, or they might require GPU capabilities for intensive computations, such as AI modeling or graphics processing. Using constraints ensures that a job runs on nodes equipped exactly as needed for optimal performance and efficiency.


  • salloc: Initiates the allocation of nodes according to the specified constraints.
  • --constraint: A flag used to specify particular features or capabilities that allocated nodes must have.
  • (amd|intel): Specifies that nodes should possess either AMD or Intel processors, providing flexibility if either architecture is suitable.
  • &gpu: Symbolizes the requirement that nodes must also have GPU capability, ensuring access to necessary resources for GPU-accelerated tasks.

Example Output:

The example output for this command might look like:

salloc: Pending job allocation ...
salloc: job 12347 queued and waiting for resources with constraints: (amd|intel)&gpu
salloc: job 12347 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 12347 with constraints (amd|intel)&gpu
[snode002 ~]$

This result confirms that the resources allocated meet the specified constraints, meaning the allocated node possesses an AMD or Intel processor and GPU capabilities, satisfying the user’s requirements.


The salloc command is an invaluable tool in the Slurm workload manager toolkit, offering flexibility in working with high-performance computing resources. Whether you need an interactive shell session, want to execute a command synchronously, or require nodes with specific constraints, salloc caters to each use case effectively. Understanding how to use salloc can significantly enhance resource management and task execution efficiency within a cluster environment.

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