How to use the command salt-run (with examples)

How to use the command salt-run (with examples)

Salt-run is a frontend command that allows for executing salt-runners on minions. It provides a way to perform various administrative tasks on minions from the Salt master.

Use case 1: Show status of all minions


salt-run manage.status

Motivation: This use case can be useful when you want to get an overview of the status of all minions connected to the Salt master. It allows you to quickly check if any minions are not responding or if there are any connectivity issues.


  • salt-run: The command itself.
  • manage.status: The sub-command to check the status of all minions.

Example Output:


The output lists each minion along with its status. In this example, all minions are shown with a status of “True”, indicating that they are currently connected to the Salt master.

Use case 2: Show all minions which are disconnected


salt-run manage.up

Motivation: This use case is useful when you specifically want to find out which minions are currently disconnected from the Salt master. It can help identify connectivity issues or minions that need attention.


  • salt-run: The command itself.
  • manage.up: The sub-command to show all minions that are up and connected.

Example Output:


The output lists each disconnected minion along with its status. In this example, two minions (minion4 and minion5) are shown with a status of “False”, indicating that they are currently disconnected from the Salt master.


The salt-run command provides a frontend for executing salt-runners on minions, allowing for various administrative tasks. The two use cases highlighted above demonstrate how it can be used to check the status of all minions and identify disconnected minions.

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