How to Use the Command 'salt-run' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'salt-run' (with examples)

The salt-run command is a powerful component within the SaltStack infrastructure, which is primarily used for remote execution, configuration management, and task automation on a wide range of systems. SaltStack’s architecture includes a master that controls thousands of minions, giving it the ability to execute commands across these minions concurrently. The salt-run command acts as a frontend for executing salt-runner functions, which do not require targeting specific minions and can be used to manage a master or interact with external systems.

Use case 1: Show Status of All Minions


salt-run manage.status


Understanding the current status of all minions in a SaltStack environment is crucial for system administrators to ensure smooth operations and quickly identify any potential issues. When managing a large fleet of servers, knowing which minions are up, down, or experiencing challenges aids in efficient troubleshooting and maintenance. This command provides a quick and comprehensive overview of the status aligning with real-time organizational needs.


  • salt-run: This component of SaltStack is used to execute runner modules from a command line interface. It serves as the bridge to execute higher-level functions that do not necessarily target individual minions.
  • manage.status: This is a runner module that checks the connection statuses of all minions configured within the Salt infrastructure. It helps administrators confirm which minions are responsive and which are not, providing valuable information for system health assessment.

Example Output:

  - minion3
  - minion7
  - minion9
  - minion1
  - minion2
  - minion4
  - minion5
  - minion6
  - minion8

This output categorizes all minions into up or down, allowing for immediate visibility into which systems are operational and which are not.

Use case 2: Show All Minions Which Are Connected


salt-run manage.up


Knowing which minions are currently connected and up is crucial for maintaining a responsive and reliable computing environment. This insight allows system administrators to prioritize their actions towards maintaining the operational state of the infrastructure and verifying that critical systems are always available. Having real-time awareness of connected minions can also be considered a pro-active measure to prevent service disruptions.


  • salt-run: Used similarly as in the previous use case, salt-run facilitates the execution of management commands across the SaltStack environment.
  • manage.up: This is a specific runner module that lists only those minions that are actively communicating with the Salt master, hence confirming their operational status. It uses Salt’s event system to get the list of all connected and responsive minions.

Example Output:

- minion1
- minion2
- minion4
- minion5
- minion6
- minion8

This output lists the hostnames of all minions that are part of the Salt infrastructure and are currently in a connected state, which assures administrators of their availability for executing remote commands.


The salt-run command in SaltStack is a versatile tool used to manage and query the status and connectivity of minions in an efficient manner. By leveraging its powerful runner modules such as manage.status and manage.up, system administrators can gain critical insights into their infrastructure, leading to more informed decision-making and proactive management of IT resources. The ability to determine the status and connectivity of minions is essential for maintaining a robust and efficient operational environment.

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