How to Use the Command 'sc_wartscat' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'sc_wartscat' (with examples)

The command sc_wartscat is a part of the Scamper suite of tools used for network measurement, primarily focusing on the analysis of internet topology data. warts files are specialized data files used in capturing and storing information about these measurements. The sc_wartscat tool is utilized to concatenate multiple warts files into a single file, making the process of analyzing large datasets more manageable. This function is particularly useful when dealing with data collected from multiple sources or sessions and you need to consolidate that data into a single file for further processing or analysis.

Use case 1: Concatenate warts files into one


sc_wartscat -o path/to/output.warts path/to/file1.warts path/to/file2.warts ...


Imagine you are working in network research or data analysis and have collected various network measurement datasets over different times or from different locations. Each dataset corresponds to a separate warts file. These files contain valuable data that need to be analyzed as a whole to get comprehensive insights or to generate reports. Manually handling each of these files can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially when the number of files is large. By using sc_wartscat to concatenate these files into one unified file, you simplify your data processing workflow, ensure data consistency, and potentially automate the initial stages of your data analysis pipeline.


  • -o path/to/output.warts: This -o flag specifies the output file where all the concatenated data will be stored. The path/to/output.warts is the destination path where you want your combined warts file to be generated. It is crucial to carefully choose this location to avoid overwriting existing important files, and the file extension .warts signifies it is a warts file.

  • path/to/file1.warts path/to/file2.warts ...: These are the input warts files that you want to concatenate. You need to list each file explicitly, and they can be stored anywhere on your system. The ... indicates that you can include as many files as necessary, making this a flexible and powerful approach to data consolidation.

Example Output:

After the execution of the command, you will have a new warts file located at the path you specified that contains all the data from the individual warts files you provided. This output file is now ready for any large-scale analysis you intend to perform. While the command does not display direct output in the terminal, successful completion means your output file is ready for use.


The sc_wartscat command is a valuable tool for those working extensively with internet topology and network measurement datasets. It simplifies the process of combining multiple warts files into a cohesive dataset, paving the way for efficient and streamlined data analysis. By understanding and utilizing options such as specifying output files and listing input files, users can maximize the potential of their data analysis operations, saving both time and effort in managing large datasets.

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