How to use the command scanimage (with examples)

How to use the command scanimage (with examples)

The scanimage command is a part of the Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE) API, which allows scanning images using various scanners. This command provides a simple interface to interact with the scanner hardware connected to the system. It supports different image formats and provides options to customize the scan settings.

Use case 1: List available scanners


scanimage -L


  • To ensure that the target scanner device is connected and recognized by the system, it is essential to list the available scanners. This command helps in verifying the connectivity and availability of scanners.


  • The -L option instructs scanimage to list the available scanners connected to the system.

Example Output:

device `fujitsu:ScanSnap iX500:10498' is a FUJITSU ScanSnap iX500 scanner

Use case 2: Scan and save an image


scanimage --format=pnm > path/to/new_image.pnm


  • Scanning an image and saving it to a file allows users to capture the physical content and convert it into a digital format for further processing or storage.


  • --format=pnm specifies the output format as Portable aNyMap (PNM).
  • The > operator redirects the output of the command to the specified file.
  • path/to/new_image.pnm indicates the path and filename where the scanned image should be saved.

Example Output:

  • A new file named “new_image.pnm” will be created in the specified path containing the scanned image in the PNM format.

Use case 3: Scan and save an image with different formats


scanimage --format=tiff > path/to/new_image.tiff


  • Scanning an image and saving it in various formats allows users to choose the most suitable format for their specific needs, such as image quality, compression, or compatibility.


  • --format=tiff specifies the output format as Tagged Image File Format (TIFF).
  • The > operator redirects the output of the command to the specified file.
  • path/to/new_image.tiff indicates the path and filename where the scanned image should be saved.

Example Output:

  • A new file named “new_image.tiff” will be created in the specified path containing the scanned image in the TIFF format.

Use case 4: Scan and save an image with compression


scanimage --format=jpeg --compression=jpeg > path/to/new_image.jpg


  • Scanning an image with compression helps reduce the file size without significant loss of image quality. This is especially useful when storing or transferring scanned images with limited storage or bandwidth.


  • --format=jpeg specifies the output format as Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).
  • --compression=jpeg sets the compression method to JPEG.
  • The > operator redirects the output of the command to the specified file.
  • path/to/new_image.jpg indicates the path and filename where the scanned image should be saved.

Example Output:

  • A new file named “new_image.jpg” will be created in the specified path containing the scanned image in the JPEG format with JPEG compression applied.


The scanimage command offers a versatile solution for scanning images using the SANE API. With different options for specifying image formats, compression, and file output, users can easily scan and save images according to their preferences and requirements.

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