How to use the command 'scc' (with examples)

How to use the command 'scc' (with examples)

The command ‘scc’ is a tool written in Go that counts lines of code in a directory. It provides useful information such as the number of lines, blanks, code, comments, and complexity for each file. The command offers various options for customization and output formats to suit different needs.

Use case 1: Print lines of code in the current directory



Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to quickly obtain the total lines of code in the current directory without specifying a target directory.

Explanation: Running the ‘scc’ command without any arguments will count the lines of code in the current directory and display the result.

Example output:

Language             Files     Lines    Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
C                        3       124        17         2      105         12
C++                      2        59         6         6       47          7
Go                       4       256        39        32      185         54
JavaScript               9      1106       149         0      957        114
Markdown                 1        20         4         0       16          0
Total                   19      1565       215        40     1310        187

Use case 2: Print lines of code in the target directory


scc path/to/directory

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to count the lines of code in a specific directory.

Explanation: By providing the path to the target directory after the ‘scc’ command, the tool will count the lines of code in that directory and its subdirectories, if any.

Example output:

Language             Files     Lines    Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
Java                     6      1261       168         0     1093        129
JavaScript               8       567       100         0      467         88
Python                   5       245        48        24      173         50
XML                      1       115         9        32       74          3
Total                   20      2202       325        56     1807        270

Use case 3: Display output for every file


scc --by-file

Motivation: This use case is beneficial when you want to see the line count information for each file individually.

Explanation: The ‘–by-file’ option will display the output for every file separately, providing a detailed breakdown of the lines of code.

Example output:

Filename                           Language     Lines    Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
file1.go                           Go               50         5         8       37          6
file2.js                           JavaScript      150        10         0      140         20                           Python           25         4         6       15          7
Total (143 files)                              2202       325        56     1807        270

Use case 4: Display output using a specific output format


scc --format csv

Motivation: This use case allows you to customize the output format to suit your needs. By specifying the ‘–format’ option, you can choose from available formats such as ’tabular’, ‘wide’, ‘json’, ‘csv’, ‘cloc-yaml’, ‘html’, or ‘html-table’.

Explanation: In this example, we have chosen the ‘csv’ format, which will generate the output in Comma-Separated Values format. This can be useful for further processing or integration with other tools.

Example output:


Use case 5: Only count files with specific file extensions


scc --include-ext go,java,js

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you only want to count lines of code for specific file types.

Explanation: By using the ‘–include-ext’ option followed by a comma-separated list of file extensions, you can instruct ‘scc’ to only count the lines of code for files with those extensions.

Example output:

Language             Files     Lines    Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
Go                       4       256        39        32      185         54
Java                     6      1261       168         0     1093        129
JavaScript               8       567       100         0      467         88
Total                   18      2084       307        32     1745        271

Use case 6: Exclude directories from being counted


scc --exclude-dir .git,.hg

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to exclude specific directories from being counted in the lines of code.

Explanation: By specifying the ‘–exclude-dir’ option followed by a comma-separated list of directory names, you can exclude those directories from the line count.

Example output:

Language             Files     Lines    Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
C                        3       124        17         2      105         12
Go                       4       256        39        32      185         54
JavaScript               9      1106       149         0      957        114
Markdown                 1        20         4         0       16          0
Total                   17      1506       209        34     1263        180

Use case 7: Display output and sort by column


scc --sort lines

Motivation: This use case allows you to sort the output by a specific column, providing a different perspective on the lines of code.

Explanation: By specifying the ‘–sort’ option followed by the desired column name, you can sort the output accordingly. The available sorting options are ‘files’, ’name’, ’lines’, ‘blanks’, ‘code’, ‘comments’, and ‘complexity’.

Example output:

Language             Files     Lines    Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
JavaScript               9      1106       149         0      957        114
Go                       4       256        39        32      185         54
C                        3       124        17         2      105         12
Markdown                 1        20         4         0       16          0
Total                   17      1506       209        34     1263        180

Use case 8: Print help for scc


scc -h

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you need to quickly access the help information and usage instructions for the ‘scc’ command.

Explanation: Running ‘scc -h’ will display the help menu with a brief description of the tool and an explanation of the available options.

Example output:

scc usage: scc [flags] [path...]

  -b, --blank                       Count blank lines
  -c, --code                        Count lines of code
      --complexity                  Include cyclomatic complexity score
      --csv                         Emit output in CSV format
  -d, --debug                       Debug mode will emit full exception stack trace on panic
      --duplicate                   Include duplicate lines in line count
  -e, --exclude-dir string          Do not include directories matching the provided globbing pattern(s)
      --extensions string           Comma separated list of extensions to include in line count
      --format string               Output format [tabular (default), wide, json, csv, cloc-yaml, html, html-table]
  -h, --help                        help for scc
  -i, --include-ext string          Include files matching the provided globbing pattern(s)
  -k, --kilo                        Print output using kilobytes
  -l, --languages                   Show list of supported languages
  -L, --list-languages              List all supported languages
  -m, --multiprocess int            The number of subprocesses to spin up to process files (default number of logical CPUs) (default 4)
  -n, --average                     Show average per file
      --no-cocomo                   Do not include SLOC-by-COCOMO information
  -o, --output string               File to write metrics out to
      --overhead float              By default we add 35% to the final result to attempt to roughly account for the overhead of supporting multiple languages. This value can be changed with this flag. Set to 0 to disable(ie treat 100 lines as 100 lines). Note that SLOC by COCOMO is not modified by this flag. (default 0.35)
  -t, --lines                       Show total lines of code
  -u, --unicode                     Use unicode line count characters
      --unsupported                 Display unsupported files
  -v, --version                     Show version
  -y, --yaml                        Emit output in YAML format


The ‘scc’ command is a versatile tool for counting lines of code in a directory. You can use it to obtain line count information for the current directory or a specific target directory. The command provides options to customize the output format, filter files based on extensions, exclude directories from counting, sort the output by a specific column, and more. It is a valuable tool for code analysis and understanding the composition of your codebase.

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