How to Use the Command 'sccmap' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'sccmap' (with Examples)

The command sccmap is part of the Graphviz suite of tools and is used primarily for working with directed graphs. Specifically, it extracts strongly connected components—a subset of a directed graph where every vertex is reachable from every other vertex. This operation is crucial in various fields such as computer science for tasks like optimizing compilers, analyzing networks, or solving problems like predicting web page link structure.

Use case 1: Extract strongly connected components of one or more directed graphs


sccmap -S path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ... > path/to/output.gv


In directed graph analysis, identifying strongly connected components (SCCs) helps in understanding the structure and interconnectedness of complex systems. This functionality allows researchers, data analysts, and engineers to distill large and complicated graphs into smaller, more interpretable subgraphs. It can also aid in optimizing or refactoring parts of the system in application areas like state machine designs or network topology.


  • sccmap: The command being executed from the Graphviz suite. It specializes in handling directed graphs and extracting SCCs.
  • -S: This option specifies that the command should extract strongly connected components from the input graphs.
  • path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ...: These are placeholders for the paths to the input graph files in Graphviz’s .gv format. Multiple files indicate that the command can process numerous graphs in one run.
  • >: This redirect operator is used to specify where the output should be saved.
  • path/to/output.gv: The path where the resulting graph containing the extracted SCCs should be stored.

Example output:

The output is a new .gv file containing graphs that are limited to their strongly connected components. It simplifies the original files to focus only on the essential interconnected nodes.

digraph G {
    // Output graph example based on SCC extraction
    subgraph cluster_0 {
        a -> b -> c -> a;
    subgraph cluster_1 {
        e -> f;
    // Other components...

Use case 2: Print statistics about a graph, producing no output graph


sccmap -v -s path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ...


This use case is particularly useful for developers and researchers who need insights into the graph’s structure without modifying or creating new files. Statistical information, such as the number of nodes, edges, and the size of strongly connected components, can be crucial for understanding the complexity and properties of a network or system represented by a graph.


  • sccmap: The base command for handling directed graphs and SCCs.
  • -v: This option stands for verbose mode, where the command will output detailed information.
  • -s: Indicates that the command should compute and display statistics about the input graph(s).
  • path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ...: The paths to the input graph files that will be analyzed.

Example output:

Graph statistics for input1.gv:
- Nodes: 10
- Edges: 15
- Strongly Connected Components: 3

Graph statistics for input2.gv:
- Nodes: 8
- Edges: 12
- Strongly Connected Components: 2

This output delivers comprehensive statistics of the graphs being assessed, allowing deeper insights into their structure.

Use case 3: Display help


sccmap -?


Accessing the help information directly from the command line is incredibly beneficial for both novices and experienced users. This use case allows quick reference to the various options and flags available with the sccmap command, promoting efficient command-line usage without needing to search online or refer to external documentation.


  • sccmap: The command whose help documentation is being requested.
  • -?: This flag is a standard way of invoking a help or usage guide for the command in many command-line utilities.

Example output:

Usage: sccmap [options] <files>
  -S        Extract strongly connected components
  -v        Verbose mode, print insights on processing
  -s        Provide statistics about the graph
  -?        Display this help message

This provides users with a quick cheat sheet for using the sccmap command effectively for various purposes.


The sccmap command is a powerful tool for handling and analyzing directed graphs, enabling users to extract significant substructures, gather comprehensive statistics, and access help conveniently. Whether optimizing systems or evaluating complex networks, understanding and leveraging the various functionalities of sccmap can greatly enhance your graph analysis tasks.

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