Extract Strongly Connected Components of Directed Graphs (with examples)

Extract Strongly Connected Components of Directed Graphs (with examples)

Use Case 1: Extract strongly connected components of one or more directed graphs


sccmap -S path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv > path/to/output.gv


The motivation behind using this command is to extract the strongly connected components from one or more directed graphs. Strongly connected components are groups of vertices in a directed graph where every vertex is reachable from every other vertex within the group.


  • sccmap: This is the command to extract strongly connected components from the input directed graphs.
  • -S: This option indicates that we want to extract the strongly connected components.
  • path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv: These are the paths to the input graphs (in Graphviz format) from which we want to extract the strongly connected components.
  • >: This symbol is used to redirect the output to the specified file.
  • path/to/output.gv: This is the path where the output, which contains the extracted strongly connected components, will be saved in Graphviz format.

Example Output:

The output will be a Graphviz file (output.gv) containing the extracted strongly connected components from the input graphs.

Use Case 2: Print statistics about a graph, producing no output graph


sccmap -v -s path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv


In some cases, it may be useful to obtain statistics about a graph without generating an output graph. This can help in understanding the properties of the graph and analyzing its structure.


  • sccmap: This is the command to extract strongly connected components from the input directed graphs.
  • -v: This option enables verbose mode, providing additional information during the execution of the command.
  • -s: This option indicates that we want to print statistics about the graph.
  • path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv: These are the paths to the input graphs (in Graphviz format) for which we want to print statistics.

Example Output:

The output will include various statistics about the input graphs, such as the number of vertices, the number of edges, the density, the average degree, and any other relevant information depending on the specific implementation of sccmap.

Use Case 3: Display help for sccmap


sccmap -?


When using a new command or unfamiliar tool, it is often helpful to have access to a help manual that explains the available options and their usage. This use case allows users to display the help manual specifically for the sccmap command.


  • sccmap: This is the command to extract strongly connected components from the input directed graphs.
  • -?: This option is used to display the help manual and provide information about the available options and their usage for the sccmap command.

Example Output:

The output will be the help manual for the sccmap command, providing a detailed description of each available option, their usage, and examples.

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