How to use the command 'scoop' (with examples)

How to use the command 'scoop' (with examples)

Scoop is a package manager for Windows that helps in the installation, management, and updating of software packages. It provides a command-line interface to interact with the package manager and perform various actions such as installing, uninstalling, updating, and searching for packages.

Use case 1: Install a package


scoop install package


Installing a package is one of the primary use cases of Scoop. By using the scoop install command followed by the package name, you can easily install software packages from the Scoop repository. This helps in quickly setting up new software on your Windows machine without manually downloading and installing each package.


  • scoop is the command to interact with the Scoop package manager.
  • install is the subcommand used to specify that we want to install a package.
  • package is the name of the package you want to install.

Example output:

Installing 'package' (version xyz) [done]

Use case 2: Remove a package


scoop uninstall package


There might be cases when you want to remove a package installed via Scoop. By using the scoop uninstall command followed by the package name, you can easily remove the package and all its associated files.


  • scoop is the command to interact with the Scoop package manager.
  • uninstall is the subcommand used to specify that we want to uninstall a package.
  • package is the name of the package you want to uninstall.

Example output:

Removing 'package' [done]

Use case 3: Update all installed packages


scoop update --all


Keeping the installed packages up-to-date is important to ensure you have the latest features and security fixes. The scoop update command with the --all flag allows you to update all the installed packages in one go.


  • scoop is the command to interact with the Scoop package manager.
  • update is the subcommand used to specify that we want to update packages.
  • --all is an optional flag that tells Scoop to update all installed packages.

Example output:

Updating 'package1' (version abc) [done]
Updating 'package2' (version xyz) [done]

Use case 4: List installed packages


scoop list


It can be helpful to see a list of all the packages installed via Scoop. The scoop list command provides an overview of all the installed packages, making it easy to track what software is currently installed.


  • scoop is the command to interact with the Scoop package manager.
  • list is the subcommand used to list all the installed packages.

Example output:


Use case 5: Display information about a package


scoop info package


Sometimes, you may want to gather more information about a package before installing or using it. The scoop info command allows you to fetch details about a specific package, such as the version, description, and other metadata.


  • scoop is the command to interact with the Scoop package manager.
  • info is the subcommand used to display information about a package.
  • package is the name of the package you want to retrieve information for.

Example output:

Name: package
Version: 1.0.0
Description: A package that does something useful.

Use case 6: Search for a package


scoop search package


If you are looking for a specific package or want to discover new software, the scoop search command can assist you. It allows you to search for packages available in the Scoop repository based on the provided search query.


  • scoop is the command to interact with the Scoop package manager.
  • search is the subcommand used to search for packages.
  • package is the search query used to find packages matching the provided name or keyword.

Example output:

Searching for 'package'...
package1            A package that does something.
package2            Another package for different purposes.

Use case 7: Remove old versions of all packages and clear the download cache


scoop cleanup --cache --all


Over time, as you install and update packages, older versions and cached files can accumulate, taking up disk space. The scoop cleanup command with the --cache and --all flags allows you to remove old versions of all packages and clear the download cache in one go.


  • scoop is the command to interact with the Scoop package manager.
  • cleanup is the subcommand used to remove old versions of packages and clear the cache.
  • --cache is an optional flag that tells Scoop to only clean the download cache.
  • --all is an optional flag that tells Scoop to remove old versions of all installed packages.

Example output:

Removing old versions of packages... [done]
Clearing download cache... [done]


The Scoop package manager provides a convenient way to install, manage, and update software packages on Windows. By utilizing the various subcommands and options provided by the scoop command, you can easily perform actions like installing packages, updating packages, listing installed packages, and more. Scoop streamlines the software management process, making it efficient and hassle-free.

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