How to use the command scutil (with examples)

How to use the command scutil (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

scutil is a command-line tool on macOS that allows users to manage various system configuration parameters. It is typically used for managing DNS configuration, proxy configuration, and setting computer and hostname.

Use case 1: Display DNS Configuration


scutil --dns

Motivation: This example is useful when you want to view the current DNS (Domain Name System) configuration on your macOS system. It allows you to see the configured DNS servers, search domains, and other relevant DNS settings.

Explanation: The --dns argument is used with the scutil command to display the DNS configuration. It provides information about the DNS servers, search domains, and other relevant settings for DNS resolution on the macOS system.

Example output:

DNS configuration

resolver #1
  domain   :
  nameserver[0] :
  nameserver[1] :

resolver #2
  domain   :
  nameserver[0] :
  port     : 53

Use case 2: Display proxy configuration


scutil --proxy

Motivation: When you need to check the current proxy configuration on your macOS system, this command comes in handy. It allows you to view the configured proxy settings, including proxy server addresses, ports, and authentication options.

Explanation: The --proxy argument is used with the scutil command to display the proxy configuration. It provides information about the currently configured proxy settings, such as proxy server addresses, ports, and authentication options.

Example output:

Proxy configuration

HTTPEnable      : 1
HTTPProxy       :
HTTPPort        : 8080
HTTPProxyAuthenticationMethod: kSCProxyAuthenticationNone

Use case 3: Get computer name


scutil --get ComputerName

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to fetch the current computer name of your macOS system programmatically. It allows you to retrieve the computer name, which can be used for various purposes, such as system identification or scripting tasks.

Explanation: The --get ComputerName argument is used with the scutil command to fetch the current computer name. It retrieves the computer name, which is the human-readable name assigned to the macOS system.

Example output:


Use case 4: Set computer name


sudo scutil --set ComputerName computer_name

Motivation: In certain scenarios, you might need to change the computer name of your macOS system. This command allows you to set a new computer name for your system, which can be useful for personalization or organizational purposes.

Explanation: The --set ComputerName argument, prefixed with sudo, is used with the scutil command to set a new computer name. The computer_name parameter should be replaced with the desired name you want to assign to your macOS system.

Example output:

Updated ComputerName to "MyNewMac"

Use case 5: Get hostname


scutil --get HostName

Motivation: Fetching the current hostname of your macOS system can be necessary for various purposes, such as network troubleshooting or system integration. This command allows you to programmatically retrieve the hostname.

Explanation: The --get HostName argument is used with the scutil command to fetch the current hostname of the system. It retrieves the hostname, which is the unique network identifier assigned to the macOS system.

Example output:


Use case 6: Set hostname


scutil --set HostName hostname

Motivation: This command is useful when you need to change the hostname of your macOS system. Modifying the hostname can help in network management, system identification, or debugging scenarios.

Explanation: The --set HostName argument is used with the scutil command to set a new hostname for the system. The hostname parameter should be replaced with the desired name you want to assign to your macOS system.

Example output:

Updated HostName to "MyMac"


The scutil command on macOS provides a convenient way to manage system configuration parameters. Whether you need to view DNS or proxy configuration, fetch computer or hostname, or change their values, scutil offers a simple and powerful command-line interface for managing these settings.

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