How to use the command 'sdef' (with examples)

How to use the command 'sdef' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The ‘sdef’ command is used to get or generate a scripting definitions file from a scriptable application. This file contains information about the application’s Apple event terminology and provides the necessary definitions for AppleScript to interact with the application. It is particularly useful for developers who want to automate tasks or control the application programmatically.

Use case 1: Print the scripting definitions of the given application

sdef /Applications/

Motivation: By using the ‘sdef’ command with the path to an application, you can print the scripting definitions for that application. This is helpful when you need to understand the available scripting capabilities of the application or want to create scripts to automate tasks within the application.


  • ‘sdef’ is the command itself.
  • ‘/Applications/’ is the path to the application for which you want to generate the scripting definitions.

Example output:

<dictionary title="Xcode Definition" xmlns="" version="1.0">
<suite name="Xcode" code="Xcod" description="Xcode Preferences &amp; Kod Actions" xmlns:xi="">

<!-- ... Scripting definitions output ... -->


Conclusion: The ‘sdef’ command can be used to obtain the scripting definitions for a given application. This information is essential for developers looking to automate tasks or control the application via AppleScript. By understanding the available scripting capabilities, developers can create powerful scripts that interact with the application effectively.

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