How to use the command securityd (with examples)

How to use the command securityd (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The securityd command manages security contexts and cryptographic operations on macOS. It works in conjunction with secd for keychain access. It is important to note that the securityd command should not be invoked manually, as it is automatically managed by the system. This article will explore various use cases of the securityd command.

Use case 1: Starting the daemon



Motivation: The motivation for starting the securityd daemon is to ensure that the security contexts and cryptographic operations are actively managed by the system. By invoking securityd, the daemon starts and ensures the security and integrity of the system.

Explanation: The securityd command is simple and does not require any additional arguments. When executed, it starts the securityd daemon, which manages the security contexts and cryptographic operations on macOS.

Example output:

Security Server Starting


The securityd command is an essential component of macOS, responsible for managing security contexts and cryptographic operations. Although it should not be manually invoked, understanding the purpose of the securityd command can help in troubleshooting and diagnosing security-related issues on macOS.

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