The Power of sed (with examples)

The Power of sed (with examples)


In the world of text manipulation, the command-line tool sed stands out as a powerful tool that allows users to edit text in a scriptable manner. With its rich set of features, sed enables users to perform a wide range of text transformations quickly and efficiently. In this article, we will explore various practical examples that illustrate the versatility and usefulness of sed. Whether you are a system administrator, a software developer, or simply someone who deals with text manipulation regularly, these examples will help you unlock the full potential of sed.

Note: The code examples provided in this article assume a Unix-like operating system (e.g., Linux, macOS) where sed is available.

Example 1: Replace text in all input lines

Suppose we have a command that generates some text output, and we want to replace all occurrences of the word “apple” with “mango” in each line of the output. We can achieve this using the following sed command:

command | sed 's/apple/mango/g'

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to demonstrate how sed can be used to perform simple find-and-replace operations. This is particularly useful when we have a large volume of text and we want to make consistent changes throughout.


  • s/apple/mango/g: This is the basic sed command syntax for performing a substitution operation. The s indicates the substitution command, followed by the search pattern (apple) and the replacement text (mango). The g flag at the end stands for “global,” which means that all occurrences of the search pattern in each line will be replaced.

Example Output: Suppose the command command generates the following output:

I have an apple.
She loves apples.
The apple tree is tall.

The output of the sed command will be:

I have a mango.
She loves mangos.
The mango tree is tall.

Example 2: Execute a script file and print the result

Sometimes, we may have a complex set of sed operations that we want to perform on our text. Instead of manually typing all those operations on the command line, we can store them in a script file and execute the file using sed. Here’s an example:

command | sed -f path/to/script.sed

Motivation: This example demonstrates the power of using script files with sed. By storing a set of sed commands in a script file, we can easily reuse them and apply them to different text inputs. This approach also allows us to manage complex transformations more efficiently.


  • -f path/to/script.sed: This option tells sed to read the script from the specified file (path/to/script.sed) instead of directly from the command line.

Example Output: Suppose the script file (path/to/script.sed) contains the following sed commands:


The output of the sed command will be the result of applying these commands to the input generated by command according to the script.

Example 3: Using extended regular expressions

By default, sed uses basic regular expressions (BREs) for pattern matching. However, we can enable extended regular expressions (EREs) to have more powerful and flexible matching capabilities. Let’s look at an example:

command | sed -E 's/(apple)/\U\1/g'

Motivation: This example demonstrates how to use sed with extended regular expressions. EREs provide additional features such as the ability to use parentheses for grouping and backreferences, which can be helpful in complex search and replace operations.


  • -E: This option enables extended regular expressions for pattern matching in sed.
  • s/(apple)/\U\1/g: This sed command follows the basic substitution syntax, but with a couple of extra features. The parentheses () are used to group the word “apple” as a capturing group. \U is a special escape sequence that converts the matching text (in this case, “apple”) to uppercase. \1 is a backreference that refers to the contents of the first capturing group.

Example Output: Suppose the command command generates the following output:

I have an apple.
She loves apples.
The apple tree is tall.

The output of the sed command will be:

I have an APPLE.
She loves APPLES.
The APPLE tree is tall.

Example 4: Print just the first line

In some cases, we may only be interested in extracting specific lines from our text input. With sed, we can easily achieve this by using the -n option and specifying the line(s) we want to print. Let’s see an example:

command | sed -n '1p'

Motivation: This example demonstrates how to extract specific lines using sed. Being able to selectively print lines allows us to focus only on the relevant parts of our text and discard the rest, which can be useful for processing large textual outputs efficiently.


  • -n: This option tells sed to suppress automatic printing of the pattern space. In other words, it disables the default behavior of sed to print every line after applying commands.
  • 1p: This sed command specifies to only print the first line (line number 1).

Example Output: Suppose the command command generates the following output:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3

The output of the sed command will be:

Line 1

Example 5: In-place editing of a file

Apart from processing text from standard input, sed also supports in-place editing of files, allowing us to modify the content of a file directly. Let’s take a look at an example:

sed -i 's/apple/mango/g' path/to/file

Motivation: This example showcases the ability of sed to perform in-place editing. By modifying the content of a file directly, we can save the changes without the need for any intermediate files or manual editing.


  • -i: This option enables in-place editing. It tells sed to directly modify the specified file(s) instead of writing the modified output to stdout.
  • s/apple/mango/g: This is the regular substitution command as explained in Example 1. It replaces all occurrences of “apple” with “mango” in the file.

Example Output: Suppose the original content of the file at path/to/file is:

I have an apple.
She loves apples.
The apple tree is tall.

After executing the sed command, the content of the file will be:

I have a mango.
She loves mangos.
The mango tree is tall.


The command-line tool sed provides a powerful and efficient way to manipulate text in a scriptable manner. With the examples provided in this article, you should now have a good grasp of the different use cases and capabilities of sed. Whether you need to perform simple find-and-replace operations, apply complex script files, use extended regular expressions, extract specific lines, or perform in-place editing of files, sed has got you covered. So go ahead, unleash the power of sed and take your text manipulation skills to the next level!

Further Resources

  • GNU sed Manual : The official manual for sed by GNU, which provides comprehensive documentation and examples for various use cases.
  • The Power of sed : A humorous yet informative article that showcases the power of sed with creative and mind-boggling examples.
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