How to use the command 'sh' (with examples)

How to use the command 'sh' (with examples)

The ‘sh’ command is the Bourne shell, which is the standard command language interpreter. It allows users to execute commands, run scripts, start interactive shell sessions, and read and execute commands from standard input.

Use case 1: Start an interactive shell session



Motivation: Starting an interactive shell session allows users to directly interact with the shell, execute commands, and run scripts. This can be useful for troubleshooting, testing commands, or performing tasks that require user intervention.

Explanation: This command starts an interactive shell session using the Bourne shell (‘sh’). It provides a prompt where users can enter their commands.

Example output:

$ sh
$ ls
file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
$ cd documents
$ pwd

Use case 2: Execute a command and then exit


sh -c "command"

Motivation: Executing a command and then exiting is useful for running one-time commands or scripts without the need to start an interactive shell session. It allows users to automate tasks or perform quick operations without any additional overhead.

Explanation: This command executes a specific command within the Bourne shell (‘sh’) and then exits. The command to be executed is specified within double quotes after the ‘-c’ option.

Example output:

$ sh -c "echo Hello, World!"
Hello, World!

Use case 3: Execute a script


sh path/to/

Motivation: Executing a script allows users to run a sequence of commands stored in a file. This can be helpful for automating complex tasks or for running a series of commands in a specific order.

Explanation: This command executes a script using the Bourne shell (‘sh’). The path to the script file is provided as an argument after the ‘sh’ command.

Example output:

Assuming the file contains the following commands:

$ sh path/to/
This is a script.
Executing command 1...
Executing command 2...
Script completed successfully.

Use case 4: Read and execute commands from stdin


sh -s

Motivation: Reading and executing commands from standard input allows for dynamic and on-the-fly execution of commands. This can be helpful when piping commands or when passing commands as input from another program.

Explanation: This command reads and executes commands from standard input within the Bourne shell (‘sh’). It provides an interactive prompt where users can enter their commands, or commands can be supplied via standard input using pipes or redirects.

Example output:

$ sh -s
echo "Hello, World!"
Hello, World!
file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt


The ‘sh’ command provides several use cases for interacting with the Bourne shell. It allows for starting an interactive shell session, executing commands and scripts, and reading and executing commands from standard input. By understanding these use cases and their corresponding commands and arguments, users can effectively utilize the ‘sh’ command to meet their specific needs.

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