How to use the command `sh5util` (with examples)

How to use the command `sh5util` (with examples)

The sh5util command is a utility provided by Slurm to merge HDF5 files produced by the sacct_gather_profile plugin. It allows users to perform various data extraction operations on the merged files.

Use case 1: Merge HDF5 files produced on each allocated node for a specified job or step


sh5util --jobs=job_id|job_id.step_id

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to combine the individual HDF5 files generated on each allocated node during the execution of a job or step. Merging these files into a single HDF5 file can provide a consolidated view of the job performance and resource utilization across all the nodes.


  • --jobs: Specifies the job or job-step ID for which the HDF5 files need to be merged.
  • job_id: The ID of the job for which the HDF5 files need to be merged.
  • step_id: (Optional) The ID of the specific job-step for which the HDF5 files need to be merged. If not provided, the command will merge HDF5 files for the entire job.

Example output:

Merging HDF5 files for job ID: 12345
Merged file: path/to/merged_file.h5

Use case 2: Extract one or more data series from a merged job file


sh5util --jobs=job_id|job_id.step_id --extract -i path/to/file.h5 --series=Energy|Filesystem|Network|Task

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you only need to extract specific data series from a merged job file, rather than working with the entire dataset. Extracting specific data series allows you to focus on the particular metrics or information that are of interest to you.


  • --extract: Indicates that data extraction operation needs to be performed.
  • -i: Specifies the input merged job file from which the data series should be extracted.
  • path/to/file.h5: The path to the input merged job file.
  • --series: Specifies the data series that need to be extracted. Multiple data series can be provided, separated by the pipe (|) character.

Example output:

Extracting data series from file: path/to/merged_file.h5
Extracted data series: Energy, Filesystem, Task

Use case 3: Extract one data item from all nodes in a merged job file


sh5util --jobs=job_id|job_id.step_id --item-extract --series=Energy|Filesystem|Network|Task --data=data_item

Motivation: In scenarios where you require a specific data item (such as the maximum energy consumption or the average CPU utilization) from multiple nodes in a merged job file, this use case comes in handy. It allows extracting a single data item from all nodes, providing essential insights into specific metrics across the job execution.


  • --item-extract: Specifies that a data item extraction operation needs to be performed.
  • --series: Specifies the data series from which the data item needs to be extracted. Multiple data series can be provided, separated by the pipe (|) character.
  • --data: Specifies the specific data item that needs to be extracted from all nodes.

Example output:

Extracting data item 'max_energy' from series 'Energy' in merged file: path/to/merged_file.h5
Data item values from all nodes: 12, 15, 18, 10, 16


The sh5util command provides a set of useful options for merging and extracting data from HDF5 files generated by the sacct_gather_profile plugin. By utilizing these options, users can gain valuable insights into job performance and resource utilization, as well as focus on specific metrics or data items of interest.

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