How to use the command "shiori" (with examples)

How to use the command "shiori" (with examples)

“shiori” is a simple bookmark manager built with Go. It allows users to import bookmarks, save URLs as bookmarks, list saved bookmarks, open saved bookmarks in a browser, and start a web interface for managing bookmarks.

Use case 1: Import bookmarks from HTML Netscape bookmark format file


shiori import path/to/bookmarks.html

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have a collection of bookmarks saved in an HTML Netscape bookmark format file and you want to import them into “shiori” for easier management.


  • shiori import: This command imports bookmarks into “shiori”.
  • path/to/bookmarks.html: This argument specifies the path to the HTML Netscape bookmark format file that contains the bookmarks to be imported.

Example output:

Successfully imported bookmarks from path/to/bookmarks.html

Use case 2: Save the specified URL as bookmark


shiori add url

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you come across a website or web page that you want to save as a bookmark for future reference.


  • shiori add: This command adds a new bookmark to “shiori”.
  • url: This argument specifies the URL of the website or web page that you want to save as a bookmark.

Example output:

Successfully added bookmark for URL: url

Use case 3: List the saved bookmarks


shiori print

Motivation: This use case allows you to quickly view the list of bookmarks you have saved in “shiori”.


  • shiori print: This command prints the saved bookmarks in “shiori”.

Example output:

1. Bookmark A - url_a
2. Bookmark B - url_b
3. Bookmark C - url_c

Use case 4: Open the saved bookmark in a browser


shiori open bookmark_id

Motivation: This use case allows you to easily open a saved bookmark in your default browser to view the website associated with it.


  • shiori open: This command opens a bookmark in a browser.
  • bookmark_id: This argument specifies the ID of the bookmark that you want to open.

Example output:

Opening bookmark with ID: bookmark_id

Use case 5: Start the web interface for managing bookmarks at port 8181


shiori serve --port 8181

Motivation: This use case is useful when you prefer managing your bookmarks using a web interface rather than command-line.


  • shiori serve: This command starts the web interface for managing bookmarks in “shiori”.
  • --port 8181: This flag specifies the port number (8181 in this example) where the web interface will be accessible.

Example output:

Starting Shiori web interface at http://localhost:8181


“shiori” is a versatile bookmark manager that simplifies bookmark management and provides convenient features such as importing bookmarks, saving URLs as bookmarks, listing saved bookmarks, opening saved bookmarks in a browser, and starting a web interface for bookmark management.

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