How to use the command Show-Markdown (with examples)

How to use the command Show-Markdown (with examples)

The “Show-Markdown” command is a PowerShell command that allows you to display a Markdown file or string in a console or browser. It uses VT100 escape sequences to render the Markdown content in a friendly way within the console, or it can convert the Markdown to HTML and open it in a browser.

Use case 1: Render markdown to console from a file


Show-Markdown -Path path\to\file

Motivation: If you have a Markdown file and want to quickly view its contents with proper formatting within the console, you can use the “Show-Markdown” command. This can be useful when you don’t want to open a separate Markdown editor or browser to view the file.


  • “-Path path\to\file”: Specifies the path to the Markdown file that you want to display in the console.

Example output: The content of the Markdown file will be rendered in the console using VT100 escape sequences, providing a formatted and easily readable representation of the Markdown content within the console.

Use case 2: Render markdown to console from string


"# Markdown content" | Show-Markdown

Motivation: If you have a Markdown string or content that you want to quickly preview in the console, you can use the “Show-Markdown” command. This can be helpful when you are working with Markdown files and want to see the formatted output without the need for a separate Markdown editor.


  • “| Show-Markdown”: The pipe symbol takes the Markdown string or content on the left side and passes it as input to the “Show-Markdown” command on the right side.

Example output: The Markdown content specified in the command will be rendered in the console using VT100 escape sequences, providing a formatted representation of the Markdown content.

Use case 3: Open Markdown file in a browser


Show-Markdown -Path path\to\file -UseBrowser

Motivation: If you prefer to view Markdown files in a browser for a more visually appealing and interactive experience, you can use the “Show-Markdown” command to open the file directly in a browser.


  • “-Path path\to\file”: Specifies the path to the Markdown file that you want to open in the browser.
  • “-UseBrowser”: This optional argument signals the command to convert the Markdown content to HTML and open it in a browser instead of rendering it within the console.

Example output: The Markdown file specified in the command will be converted to HTML and opened in a browser, allowing you to view and interact with the content in a more user-friendly way.


The “Show-Markdown” command in PowerShell provides a convenient way to render Markdown files or strings for quick preview or viewing purposes. Whether you want to view the content directly in the console or open it in a browser, the command offers flexibility to cater to different preferences. Using this command can save you time and provide a seamless experience when working with Markdown files or content.

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