showfigfonts (with examples)

showfigfonts (with examples)

Display available fonts

The showfigfonts command allows you to display the list of available fonts that can be used with figlet. This is useful when you are not sure which font you want to use or if you want to explore the different font options.

To display the available fonts, simply run the following command:


This will give you a list of the available fonts, each represented by its name. The fonts are organized in alphabetical order, making it easy to browse through them.

Display available fonts using specific text

In addition to displaying the list of available fonts, you can also preview how a specific text would look like using each font. This is useful when you want to see how a particular phrase or word would appear in different styles.

To display the available fonts using a specific text, you can include the text as an argument when running the showfigfonts command. For example:

showfigfonts Hello World

In this case, the command will display the available fonts, but with the text “Hello World” rendered in each font. This gives you a visual representation of how the text would look like in each style.

By including the specific text, you can easily compare the different fonts and choose the one that best suits your needs.


The showfigfonts command is useful for exploring the available fonts that can be used with figlet. It allows you to quickly see the different font options and choose the one that best matches the style you are aiming for.

By displaying the available fonts, you can save time by not having to manually browse through the font files or search for them online. The command provides a convenient way to preview the fonts and make an informed decision.

Example Output

When running the showfigfonts command, you will see an output similar to the following:


The output lists the available fonts, each represented by its name. You can use these names when using the figlet command to specify the desired font.

When running showfigfonts with a specific text, such as “Hello World”, the output will be similar to the following:

Font Name: 3-d
| __ )  __ _ _ __ ___   ___
|  _ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \
| |_) | (_| | | | | | |  __/
|____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|

Font Name: 3D-ASCII
  _  ____  _                      ____
 | |/ /\ \ \(_) ___  _ __         | __ ) ___   ___ ___
 | ' /  \ \/ / |/ _ \| '__|_____|  _ \ / _ \ / __/ _ \
 | . \   >  <| | (_) | | |_____| |_) | (_) | (_|  __/
 |_|\_\ /_/\_\_|\___/|_|       |____/ \___/ \___\___|


The output displays each font name followed by the rendered text using that font. This gives you a visual representation of how the text would look like in each style, allowing you to make an informed decision when choosing a font.

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