How to use the command 'sirtopnm' (with examples)

How to use the command 'sirtopnm' (with examples)

The ‘sirtopnm’ command is a part of the netpbm package, which is a set of utilities for manipulating PBM, PGM, and PPM images. This specific command is used to convert Solitaire Image Recorder (SIR) files to the Portable Any Map (PNM) format.

Use case 1: Convert a SIR image to a PNM file


sirtopnm path/to/input.sir > path/to/output.pnm

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is when you need to convert a SIR image captured using the Solitaire Image Recorder to the more commonly used PNM format. This can be useful when working with image processing applications or when you want to view the image in a standard image viewer.


  • sirtopnm: This is the command name.
  • path/to/input.sir: This argument specifies the path to the input SIR file that you want to convert to PNM format.
  • >: This is a redirection operator to redirect the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/output.pnm: This argument specifies the path where you want to save the converted PNM file.

Example output: The command will convert the input.sir file to PNM format and save it as output.pnm in the specified path.

Conclusion: The ‘sirtopnm’ command is a convenient tool for converting SIR files to PNM format. This can be useful when working with image processing applications or when you want to view the image in a standard image viewer.

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