How to use the command 'skaffold' (with examples)

How to use the command 'skaffold' (with examples)

Skaffold is a tool that facilitates continuous development for Kubernetes applications. It provides a simple command-line interface to build, deploy, and monitor your applications on Kubernetes. This article will illustrate the various use cases of the ‘skaffold’ command along with examples.

Use case 1: Build the artifacts


skaffold build -f skaffold.yaml

Motivation: Building the artifacts is an essential step before deploying an application to Kubernetes. It ensures that the application code is compiled and packaged properly.


  • build: Specifies the build command to Skaffold.
  • -f skaffold.yaml: Specifies the configuration file for Skaffold.

Example output:

[INFO] Build complete

Use case 2: Build and deploy your app every time your code changes


skaffold dev -f skaffold.yaml

Motivation: Continuous deployment is crucial for fast development iterations. By using this command, you can automatically build and deploy your application every time you make changes to the code.


  • dev: Specifies the development mode to Skaffold.
  • -f skaffold.yaml: Specifies the configuration file for Skaffold.

Example output:

[INFO] Watching for changes...
[INFO] Deploy complete

Use case 3: Run a pipeline file


skaffold run -f skaffold.yaml

Motivation: Running a pipeline file allows you to define a set of actions that need to be performed on your application before deploying it. It helps automate custom workflows during the deployment process.


  • run: Specifies the run command to Skaffold.
  • -f skaffold.yaml: Specifies the configuration file for Skaffold.

Example output:

[INFO] Pipeline complete

Use case 4: Run a diagnostic on Skaffold


skaffold diagnose -f skaffold.yaml

Motivation: Running a diagnostic on Skaffold helps identify any potential issues or misconfigurations in your Skaffold project. It provides valuable insights to troubleshoot problems and ensures a smooth deployment process.


  • diagnose: Specifies the diagnose command to Skaffold.
  • -f skaffold.yaml: Specifies the configuration file for Skaffold.

Example output:

[INFO] Diagnose complete

Use case 5: Deploy the artifacts


skaffold deploy -f skaffold.yaml

Motivation: Deploying the artifacts is the final step in the development-to-production process. By using this command, you can easily deploy your application onto a Kubernetes cluster.


  • deploy: Specifies the deploy command to Skaffold.
  • -f skaffold.yaml: Specifies the configuration file for Skaffold.

Example output:

[INFO] Deploy complete


Skaffold is a powerful tool for automating the development and deployment of Kubernetes applications. By understanding and utilizing the various use cases of the ‘skaffold’ command, you can streamline your development workflow, ensure reliable deployments, and accelerate your Kubernetes application development process.

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