How to use the command slackcat (with examples)

How to use the command slackcat (with examples)


Slackcat is a utility command that allows users to pass files and command output to Slack. It provides an easy way to share files and snippets of command output directly within Slack channels.

Use case 1: Post a file to Slack


slackcat --channel channel_name path/to/file


Posting a file to Slack is useful when you want to share a file (such as a document, image, or video) with your teammates or in a specific channel. Instead of manually uploading the file to Slack, slackcat automates the process by directly posting it in the desired channel.


  • --channel channel_name: Specifies the Slack channel where the file should be posted. Replace channel_name with the actual name of the channel.
  • path/to/file: The path to the file you want to post.

Example output:

The specified file will be posted in the specified Slack channel, and the users in that channel will be able to access and download the file directly.

Use case 2: Post a file to Slack with a custom filename


slackcat --channel channel_name --filename=filename path/to/file


Sometimes, it is helpful to provide a custom filename when sharing a file in Slack. This could be done for better organization, clarity, or to provide additional context to the recipients.


  • --channel channel_name: Specifies the Slack channel where the file should be posted. Replace channel_name with the actual name of the channel.
  • --filename=filename: Specifies the custom filename that should be displayed in Slack. Replace filename with the desired filename.
  • path/to/file: The path to the file you want to post.

Example output:

The specified file will be posted in the specified Slack channel with the provided custom filename. Users in the channel will see the file with the custom filename, making it easier for them to understand its purpose.

Use case 3: Pipe command output to Slack as a text snippet


command | slackcat --channel channel_name --filename=snippet_name


Sometimes, you might want to share the output of a command with your teammates in a Slack channel. By piping the command output to slackcat, you can conveniently share the output as a text snippet in Slack.


  • command: The command whose output you want to share.
  • |: The pipe symbol is used to redirect the output of the preceding command to the slackcat command.
  • slackcat --channel channel_name --filename=snippet_name: Specifies the Slack channel where the output should be posted and the desired filename for the output.
  • --channel channel_name: Specifies the Slack channel where the output should be posted. Replace channel_name with the actual name of the channel.
  • --filename=snippet_name: Specifies the filename for the output snippet. Replace snippet_name with the desired name of the snippet.

Example output:

The output of the specified command will be posted as a text snippet in the specified Slack channel. Teammates will be able to view and discuss the output easily.

Use case 4: Stream command output to Slack continuously


command | slackcat --channel channel_name --stream


In some cases, you may want to continuously monitor the output of a command and share it in real-time with your team in a Slack channel. This can be useful when running long-running processes or when real-time updates are important.


  • command: The command whose output you want to continuously stream to Slack.
  • |: The pipe symbol is used to redirect the output of the preceding command to the slackcat command.
  • slackcat --channel channel_name --stream: Specifies the Slack channel where the output should be posted and enables continuous streaming of the output.
  • --channel channel_name: Specifies the Slack channel where the output should be posted. Replace channel_name with the actual name of the channel.
  • --stream: Enables continuous streaming of the command output to Slack, ensuring that any new output is immediately posted in the channel.

Example output:

The output of the specified command will continuously stream to the specified Slack channel, displaying any updates or changes in real-time. Teammates can track the progress or updates from the command without directly executing it themselves.


Slackcat is a powerful command-line utility that simplifies sharing files and command output in Slack. With its various options, such as specifying custom filenames and continuous streaming, it enhances collaboration and communication within teams using Slack. Whether you want to share files, snippets, or real-time updates, slackcat provides a convenient and efficient solution.

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