How to Use the Command 'slapt-src' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'slapt-src' (with examples)

Slapt-src is a command-line utility designed to simplify the process of building SlackBuild scripts on Slackware-based systems. This tool automates the fetching, building, and installing of software from, a repository of community-created build scripts for Slackware packages. Before using slapt-src, the SlackBuild sources must be configured in the slapt-srcrc file to specify where the SlackBuild scripts will be sourced.

Use Case 1: Update the List of Available SlackBuilds and Versions


slapt-src --update


Keeping an up-to-date list of available SlackBuilds and their corresponding versions is essential for system maintenance and software installation. By regularly updating the list, users can access the latest software releases and improvements from the SlackBuilds repository, ensuring their systems run the most current and secure versions of desired packages.


  • --update: This argument triggers slapt-src to connect to predefined SlackBuild sources in the slapt-srcrc configuration file and fetch the latest list of available SlackBuilds and their versions. This keeps the local repository information synchronized with the upstream source.

Example Output:

Updating SlackBuild sources...
Retrieving new lists...
Repository updated successfully.

Use Case 2: List All Available SlackBuilds


slapt-src --list


Sometimes, users need to browse through the available software and tools in the SlackBuilds repository to decide which packages to install or update. Listing all available SlackBuilds provides a comprehensive overview of the system’s potential software landscape, helping users plan software installations effectively.


  • --list: This argument commands slapt-src to generate and display a catalog of all SlackBuilds available from the previously updated repository list. This output includes package names, making it easier for users to recognize and choose the software they want to build and install.

Example Output:

SlackBuilds available:
- package-1.0.0
- another-package-2.1.4
- some-library-3.6.5

Use Case 3: Fetch, Build, and Install the Specified SlackBuild(s)


slapt-src --install slackbuild_name


Automating the build and installation process of SlackBuilds significantly enhances user productivity and reduces manual errors. For those needing specific software on their system without engaging in time-intensive manual downloads and compilation, this command is a highly efficient solution.


  • --install: This argument tells slapt-src to fetch the specified SlackBuild script, and any required source files, from the repository. It then compiles the software and installs it on the system.
  • slackbuild_name: This placeholder should be replaced with the actual name of the SlackBuild that you want to install, denoting the desired package.

Example Output:

Fetching slackbuild_name...
Downloading source files...
Compiling slackbuild_name...
Installing slackbuild_name...
The package was installed successfully.

Use Case 4: Locate SlackBuilds by Their Name or Description


slapt-src --search search_term


Users looking to install specific software might not always know the exact name of the SlackBuild required. The ability to search SlackBuilds by name or description allows users to discover software relevant to their needs, greatly enhancing the searchability and accessibility of the repository.


  • --search: This argument enables slapt-src to search through the available SlackBuilds using a specific term.
  • search_term: This placeholder should be replaced with a keyword or term related to the desired software, allowing users to effectively find relevant SlackBuilds.

Example Output:

Searching for 'editor'...
- nano-5.8: A simple text editor
- vim-8.2: A highly configurable text editor
- gedit-3.38.1: GNOME text editor

Use Case 5: Display Information About a SlackBuild


slapt-src --show slackbuild_name


Before installing a package, users often want detailed information to ensure they are implementing the correct software version and understand its dependencies. Displaying comprehensive details about a SlackBuild informs decision-making and helps users plan installations without surprises.


  • --show: This argument is used to fetch and display detailed information about a specific SlackBuild. This includes version details, dependencies, and descriptions.
  • slackbuild_name: This placeholder should be replaced with the specific name of the SlackBuild for which information is being sought.

Example Output:

Package: nano-5.8
Description: A simple text editor for Unix-like computing systems.
Dependencies: none


Slapt-src is a valuable resource for Slackware users aiming to efficiently manage and install software from By leveraging its powerful commands, users can maintain updated software repositories, discover new utilities, and automate the software building process, all contributing to a streamlined system management experience.

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