How to use the command `slapt-src` (with examples)

How to use the command `slapt-src` (with examples)

slapt-src is a utility that automates the building of slackbuilds. SlackBuild sources need to be configured in the slapt-srcrc file. This command allows users to update the list of available slackbuilds, list all available slackbuilds, fetch, build, and install specific slackbuilds, locate slackbuilds by their name or description, and display information about a slackbuild.

Use case 1: Update the list of available slackbuilds and versions


slapt-src --update

Motivation: Running the slapt-src --update command allows users to update the list of available slackbuilds and their versions. This is useful when users want to ensure that they have the latest versions of slackbuilds to choose from for installation.

Explanation: The --update flag tells slapt-src to update the list of available slackbuilds and versions.

Example output:

Updating slackbuild list...
Fetching slackbuild list...
[SUCCESS] Slackbuild list updated successfully.

Use case 2: List all available slackbuilds


slapt-src --list

Motivation: The slapt-src --list command provides users with a convenient way to view all the available slackbuilds. This can be useful when users want to browse through the options before deciding which slackbuild(s) to install.

Explanation: The --list flag tells slapt-src to list all available slackbuilds.

Example output:

Listing all available slackbuilds...

Use case 3: Fetch, build and install the specified slackbuild(s)


slapt-src --install slackbuild_name

Motivation: The slapt-src --install slackbuild_name command allows users to fetch, build, and install a specific slackbuild or slackbuilds. This is useful when users know exactly which slackbuild(s) they want to install.

Explanation: The --install flag tells slapt-src to fetch, build, and install the specified slackbuild(s). The slackbuild_name argument should be replaced with the name of the slackbuild(s) the user wants to install.

Example output:

Fetching slackbuild: apache-ant...
Building slackbuild: apache-ant...
Installing slackbuild: apache-ant...
[SUCCESS] apache-ant installed successfully.

Use case 4: Locate slackbuilds by their name or description


slapt-src --search search_term

Motivation: Sometimes users may not know the exact name of a slackbuild they are looking for. The slapt-src --search search_term command allows users to locate slackbuilds by their name or description. This can be helpful when users are searching for a specific functionality or package.

Explanation: The --search flag tells slapt-src to search for slackbuilds by their name or description. The search_term argument should be replaced with the term the user wants to search for.

Example output:

Searching for slackbuilds with term: python...
python3 - Python programming language...
python-gevent - Python networking library...

Use case 5: Display information about a slackbuild


slapt-src --show slackbuild_name

Motivation: The slapt-src --show slackbuild_name command allows users to display detailed information about a specific slackbuild. This is useful when users want to learn more about a slackbuild before deciding whether to install it.

Explanation: The --show flag tells slapt-src to display information about the specified slackbuild. The slackbuild_name argument should be replaced with the name of the slackbuild the user wants information about.

Example output:

Showing information for slackbuild: curl...
Name: curl
Version: 7.77.0


In this article, we have explored various use cases of the slapt-src command. We learned about how to update the list of available slackbuilds and versions, list all available slackbuilds, fetch, build, and install specific slackbuilds, locate slackbuilds by their name or description, and display information about a slackbuild. These use cases provide users with the flexibility and convenience to work with slackbuilds efficiently.

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