How to use the command 'slurmdbd' (with examples)

How to use the command 'slurmdbd' (with examples)

The slurmdbd command provides a secure enterprise-wide interface to a database for Slurm. It allows users to manage the daemon’s nice value, change the working directory, and display help or version information.

Use case 1: Set the daemon’s nice value


slurmdbd -n value

Motivation: In some cases, it may be necessary to adjust the priority of the slurmdbd daemon process. By setting the daemon’s nice value to a specific value (typically a negative number), you can control the priority of the daemon and allocate system resources accordingly.

Explanation: The -n option is used to specify the desired value for the daemon’s nice value. The nice value represents the priority of the process, with lower values indicating higher priority. By passing a negative number as the value argument, you can increase the priority of the slurmdbd daemon.

Example output: If you want to set the nice value of the slurmdbd daemon to -10, you would run the following command:

slurmdbd -n -10

This would set the priority of the slurmdbd daemon to a higher value, ensuring that it receives more system resources.

Use case 2: Change the working directory of slurmdbd


slurmdbd -s

Motivation: Changing the working directory of the slurmdbd daemon can be useful in certain scenarios. For example, if you want to output log files to a specific directory or ensure that temporary files are stored in a designated location, you can specify the desired directory using the -s option.

Explanation: The -s option is used to change the working directory of the slurmdbd daemon. By default, the daemon’s working directory is set to the LogFile path, but using this option allows you to specify a custom directory, such as /var/tmp.

Example output: To change the working directory of the slurmdbd daemon to /var/tmp, you would run the following command:

slurmdbd -s

This would ensure that the slurmdbd daemon operates within the /var/tmp directory, allowing it to store temporary files or logs in that location.

Use case 3: Display help


slurmdbd -h

Motivation: When working with the slurmdbd command, it might be helpful to have access to information about its usage, available options, and command-line arguments. The -h option allows you to display the help information for slurmdbd, giving you a comprehensive understanding of how to use the command effectively.

Explanation: The -h option is used to display the help information for slurmdbd. When this option is passed to the command, it will output a detailed explanation of its usage, available options, and command-line arguments. This can be particularly useful for new users who are unfamiliar with the command or for troubleshooting purposes.

Example output: Running the following command will display the help information for slurmdbd:

slurmdbd -h

This will output a comprehensive explanation of the command, including its usage and available options.

Use case 4: Display version


slurmdbd -V

Motivation: Knowing the version of the slurmdbd command you are working with can be essential, especially when you need to troubleshoot issues or ensure compatibility with other components of your Slurm system. The -V option allows you to display the version information for slurmdbd, enabling you to identify the specific version you are using.

Explanation: The -V option is used to display the version information for slurmdbd. By running the command with this option, you can retrieve the version number of slurmdbd, which can be helpful for various purposes, such as documentation, troubleshooting, or ensuring compatibility.

Example output: Executing the following command will display the version information for slurmdbd:

slurmdbd -V

This will output the version number of slurmdbd, providing you with the necessary information about the specific version you are using.


The slurmdbd command is an essential tool for managing the database interface for Slurm. By understanding how to set the daemon’s nice value, change the working directory, and display help or version information, users can effectively configure and troubleshoot their Slurm system.

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