How to use the command 'smartctl' (with examples)

How to use the command 'smartctl' (with examples)

Smartctl is a command-line utility that allows users to monitor and manage the health of storage drives, particularly hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid-state drives (SSDs). It is a part of the Smartmontools package and provides access to various Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) data. By tracking the condition of drives, users can preemptively address potential failures, ensuring data integrity and optimizing performance. This tool enables users to run tests, gather device details, and check the drive health, making it an essential utility for system administrators and anyone interested in maintaining their storage devices.

Display SMART health summary (with examples)


sudo smartctl --health /dev/sdX


Checking the health status of a storage device is crucial for preventive maintenance. By using this command to display the SMART health summary, users can quickly assess whether a drive is functioning correctly or if it might be on the verge of failure. This can alert users to potential issues, prompting further investigation or preparation for data backup and replacement of the faulty drive.


  • sudo: This command requires superuser privileges because it is accessing hardware-level information.
  • smartctl: The command-line utility used to interact with and monitor SMART data.
  • --health: This option displays a brief summary of the SMART health status of the drive. It typically returns whether the device passed or failed the health check.
  • /dev/sdX: This denotes the specific storage device you want to examine. sdX should be replaced with the actual device identifier, such as sda or sdb.

Example output:

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

Display device information (with examples)


sudo smartctl --info /dev/sdX


Having detailed information about a storage device is beneficial for inventory, compatibility checks, and troubleshooting. Displaying device information can help users understand the specifications and manufacturer details of attached drives, which is especially useful in mixed environments with various hardware models.


  • sudo: This ensures the command runs with the necessary permissions.
  • smartctl: The command used to manage and retrieve SMART information.
  • --info: This option retrieves detailed information about the specified device, such as model number, serial number, firmware version, and other specifications.
  • /dev/sdX: The target storage device for which information is being requested.

Example output:

Device Model:     ST1000LM024 HN-M101MBB
Serial Number:    S2U7J9AC701234
Firmware Version: 2BA30001
User Capacity:    1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 TB]

Start a short self-test in the background (with examples)


sudo smartctl --test short /dev/sdX


Running a short self-test is a proactive measure to ensure the drive functions properly. It checks for errors and provides a quick assessment of the drive’s health without significantly impacting system performance. Regular testing can help identify issues before they result in data loss.


  • sudo: Necessary for gaining permission to execute hardware-related commands.
  • smartctl: Used to initiate and monitor SMART-related operations.
  • --test short: This option starts a short drive self-test, which typically takes a few minutes. It examines basic drive functions and diagnostics but is less exhaustive than longer tests.
  • /dev/sdX: Specifies the device to be tested.

Example output:

Short offline self-test routine recommended polling time: (  2) minutes.

Display current/last self-test status and other SMART capabilities (with examples)


sudo smartctl --capabilities /dev/sdX


Understanding the current or most recent self-test status, as well as the drive’s capabilities, offers insight into ongoing issues and what types of diagnostics the drive supports. This is essential for complex environments where knowing the limits of equipment can influence monitoring strategies.


  • sudo: Grants access to operate on system hardware.
  • smartctl: Facilitates the retrieval and management of drive SMART data.
  • --capabilities: This option shows the abilities of the drive concerning SMART tasks and outputs the recent self-test results.
  • /dev/sdX: Indicates the particular device in question.

Example output:

Supported SMART attributes and self-test capabilities:
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
Self-test supported.
Constraint: Length=Short/Extended.

Display exhaustive SMART data (with examples)


sudo smartctl --all /dev/sdX


Displaying all available SMART data provides a comprehensive view of the drive’s status. This command is invaluable when detailed diagnostics are required, offering a thorough overview that can assist in in-depth troubleshooting or analysis of the device’s health history and trends.


  • sudo: Ensures the command has the necessary authority to access device data.
  • smartctl: The tool used to collect detailed SMART information.
  • --all: This option requests all available SMART data from the drive, including health summaries, error logs, and attributes.
  • /dev/sdX: Designates the specific device to gather information from.

Example output:

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000f   116   099   006    Pre-fail  Always       -       156354292
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   099   099   036    Pre-fail  Always       -       1


Using the smartctl command allows for detailed monitoring and management of storage device health, providing crucial insights through a series of versatile commands. From quick health checks to exhaustive data retrieval and self-tests, smartctl offers varying levels of analysis that empower users to maintain their hardware effectively and prevent potential failures. Regular use of these commands can ensure long-term data security and drive longevity.

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