How to use the command smbget (with examples)

How to use the command smbget (with examples)

Smbget is a utility that allows users to download files from SMB (Server Message Block) servers, similar to the wget command for HTTP/HTTPS downloads. This article will provide examples of different use cases of the smbget command.

Use case 1: Download a file from a server


smbget smb://server/share/file


Downloading files from remote SMB servers is a common task. The smbget command provides a convenient way to accomplish this.


  • smbget: the command itself.
  • smb://server/share/file: the URL of the file to be downloaded. The URL must start with smb://, followed by the server name, share name, and file path.

Example output:

Retrieving file: smb://server/share/file
File saved as file

Use case 2: Download a share or directory recursively


smbget --recursive smb://server/share


In some cases, it is necessary to download an entire share or directory from an SMB server. The –recursive option allows smbget to download files and directories recursively.


  • –recursive: the option that enables recursive downloading.
  • smb://server/share: the URL of the share or directory to be downloaded.

Example output:

Retrieving directory: smb://server/share/
File saved as share/file1
File saved as share/file2

Use case 3: Connect with a username and password


smbget smb://server/share/file --user username%password


Some SMB servers may require authentication to access files. The –user option allows smbget to connect using a specified username and password.


  • –user username%password: the option that specifies the username and password in the format username%password.
  • smb://server/share/file: the URL of the file to be downloaded.

Example output:

Retrieving file: smb://server/share/file
File saved as file

Use case 4: Require encrypted transfers


smbget smb://server/share/file --encrypt


In situations where security is a concern, requiring encrypted transfers can help protect sensitive data during the download process. The –encrypt option ensures that transfers are encrypted.


  • –encrypt: the option that enforces encrypted transfers.
  • smb://server/share/file: the URL of the file to be downloaded.

Example output:

Retrieving file: smb://server/share/file
File saved as file


The smbget command is a powerful tool for downloading files from remote SMB servers. By using different options and arguments, users can easily customize their download process to meet their specific requirements, such as downloading individual files, entire shares or directories, using authentication, and enforcing encrypted transfers. By following the examples provided in this article, users can make effective use of smbget for their file downloading needs.

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