Using smbnetfs to Mount SMB Shares Interactively (with examples)

Using smbnetfs to Mount SMB Shares Interactively (with examples)


The smbnetfs command is a useful tool for mounting SMB (Server Message Block) shares interactively. This allows you to access files and directories on remote SMB shares as if they were local, making it convenient for managing files stored on Windows file servers. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the smbnetfs command, providing code examples along with motivations, explanations, and example outputs for each case.

Use Case 1: Mounting SMB Shares to a Specific Mountpoint

Mounting SMB shares to a specific mountpoint is the most basic and common use case of the smbnetfs command. By specifying the desired mountpoint and using the smbnetfs command, you can make SMB shares available on your local system. Here’s the code for this use case:

smbnetfs mountpoint


The smbnetfs command allows you to seamlessly access files and directories stored on remote Windows file servers without manually mounting each SMB share. This simplifies the process and saves time.


  • mountpoint: Specify the directory where you want to make the SMB shares available. This should be an existing directory on your system.

Example Output

Suppose you want to mount SMB shares to a directory called /mnt/smb. You can execute the following code:

smbnetfs /mnt/smb

After the command is executed successfully, the remote SMB shares will be mounted to the /mnt/smb directory. You can navigate to this directory and access the files and directories on the remote SMB shares as if they were local.


The smbnetfs command is a powerful tool for mounting SMB shares interactively. By utilizing different use cases of this command, you can conveniently manage files and directories on remote Windows file servers. Whether you need to access shared files for collaboration or perform maintenance tasks on remote systems, smbnetfs provides a seamless way to integrate SMB shares into your local file system.

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