How to Utilize Snort for Network Monitoring (with Examples)

How to Utilize Snort for Network Monitoring (with Examples)

Snort is an open-source network intrusion detection system (NIDS) that is used to monitor network traffic in real-time, detect malicious activity, and alert users to potential threats. Originally developed by Martin Roesch in 1998, it has matured into a robust and versatile tool widely used in cybersecurity for network defense and traffic analysis. Snort operates by capturing network packets and analyzing them against a set of user-defined rules to identify potential security breaches.

Use Case 1: Capture Packets with Verbose Output


sudo snort -v -i interface


In the realm of network security, having the ability to observe the traffic traversing your network interfaces is crucial. By using this command, administrators gain insights into the data packets being conducted over the network in real-time. This foundational level of packet capturing is essential for troubleshooting, understanding regular traffic patterns, and creating a baseline for detecting anomalies.


  • sudo: Grants the command elevated permissions required to access network interfaces.
  • snort: Indicates that we are invoking the Snort command-line tool.
  • -v: Stands for verbose mode, which outputs a detailed flow of packet information to the console.
  • -i interface: Specifies the network interface to monitor (e.g., eth0, wlan0).

Example Output:

03/12-17:45:02.209402 [**] [1:0:0] No RuleMatch [Priority: 0] {TCP} ->
03/12-17:45:04.365894 [**] [1:0:0] No RuleMatch [Priority: 0] {ICMP} ->

Use Case 2: Capture Packets and Dump Application Layer Data with Verbose Output


sudo snort -vd -i interface


For network administrators and security analysts, observing packets at the application layer provides context that is not always visible in standard packet details. This use case is vital when troubleshooting application-level issues or analyzing the data payload for security threats, such as malware or unauthorized data exfiltration attempts.


  • -vd: Combines -v (verbose mode) with -d, which dumps the data payload of packets in a readable format, allowing insight into application-level communication.

Example Output:

03/12-17:45:02.209402 [**] [1:0:0] No RuleMatch [Priority: 0] {UDP} ->
03/12-17:45:04.365894 [**] [1:0:0] No RuleMatch [Priority: 0] {TCP} ->
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1


sudo snort -ve -i interface


For those diving into the more nuanced layers of network communication, examining link layer headers can be insightful, especially when dealing with low-level network interfaces issues or wireless traffic where Ethernet headers play a significant role. This level of granular analysis can aid in debugging and optimizing network configurations.


  • -ve: Merges -v with -e, which displays the link-layer packet headers, providing insight into data like MAC addresses pertinent to the interface traffic.

Example Output:

03/12-17:45:02.209402 00:0C:29:68:22:35 -> 00:50:56:C0:00:08 type:0x800 len:60 [**] [1:0:0] No RuleMatch [Priority: 0] {TCP} ->
03/12-17:45:04.365894 00:16:3E:AA:BB:CC -> 00:1B:21:AC:2A:9E type:0x800 len:74 [**] [1:0:0] No RuleMatch [Priority: 0] {ICMP} ->

Use Case 4: Capture Packets and Save Them in the Specified Directory


sudo snort -i interface -l path/to/directory


Saving captured packets to a directory is a strategic choice for those needing to perform detailed, offline analysis of network traffic or to retain records for auditing and compliance purposes. This use case is pivotal for security incident investigations, where saved data can be revisited and analyzed against updated threat intelligence or analytic tools.


  • -l path/to/directory: Specifies the directory where Snort will log the captured packets. The -l option is essential for keeping comprehensive records of captured data.

Example Output:

Captured packet files stored in /home/user/snort_logs/ with detailed log files available for each session and interface monitored, e.g., snort.log.1639002031.

Use Case 5: Capture Packets According to Rules and Save Offending Packets Along with Alerts


sudo snort -i interface -c path/to/rules.conf -l path/to/directory


This advanced use case transforms Snort from a mere packet sniffer into a powerful intrusion detection system by monitoring packets against specified rules. It’s pivotal for real-time network protection, automatically identifying and logging suspicious activities which could indicate threats or policy violations.


  • -c path/to/rules.conf: Directs Snort to load rules from a configuration file specified by the user, each rule representing a potential threat pattern to detect.
  • When Snort encounters network traffic that matches one of these rules, it logs details of the offending packets.

Example Output:

Alerts logged in specified directory: /home/user/snort_alerts/. Each alert contains metadata and packet details that match specific threat rules, e.g.,, detailing potential network intrusions.


Snort is a versatile tool that offers a range of functionalities, from basic packet sniffing to sophisticated intrusion detection. Whether you are looking to monitor network activity in real-time, capture application-level data, or implement comprehensive network defense mechanisms, Snort’s varied command options allow you to tailor its operations to your specific needs, thus providing invaluable insights into maintaining and enhancing network security.

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