How to use the command `snowsql` (with examples)

How to use the command `snowsql` (with examples)

SnowSQL is a command-line client for Snowflake’s Data Cloud. It allows users to execute SQL queries and SnowSQL commands on Snowflake instances. This article will provide examples of different use cases for the snowsql command.

Use case 1: Connect to a specific instance


snowsql --accountname account --username username --dbname database --schemaname schema

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to connect to a specific Snowflake instance, providing the necessary account name, username, database, and schema. It allows you to directly access the desired instance without having to switch contexts or configurations.


  • --accountname: Specifies the name of the Snowflake account.
  • --username: Specifies the username for authentication.
  • --dbname: Specifies the name of the database you want to connect to.
  • --schemaname: Specifies the name of the schema within the database.

Example output: Successfully connected to the specific Snowflake instance.

Use case 2: Connect using a configuration file


snowsql --config path/to/configuration_file

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have a specific configuration file with predefined connection details. Instead of providing the connection parameters individually, you can simply specify the path to the configuration file and SnowSQL will use the settings within it.


  • --config: Specifies the path to the configuration file containing the connection details.

Example output: Successfully connected to the Snowflake instance specified in the configuration file.

Use case 3: Connect using a token for multi-factor authentication


snowsql --mfa-passcode token

Motivation: When using multi-factor authentication, this use case allows you to connect to the default Snowflake instance using a passcode generated by a token. It provides an additional layer of security for accessing the instance.


  • --mfa-passcode: Specifies the token-generated passcode for authentication.

Example output: Successfully connected to the default Snowflake instance using the provided token passcode.

Use case 4: Execute a single SQL query or SnowSQL command


snowsql --query 'query'

Motivation: This use case is convenient when you want to execute a single SQL query or SnowSQL command without the need to open an interactive session. It is particularly useful in scripts or automation where you want to run a specific query/command and obtain the output.


  • --query: Specifies the SQL query or SnowSQL command to be executed.

Example output: The results of the executed query or command.

Use case 5: Execute commands from a specific file


snowsql --filename path/to/file.sql

Motivation: When you have a file containing a series of SQL queries or SnowSQL commands, this use case allows you to execute those commands directly from the file. It saves time and ensures the commands are executed accurately without the need for manual copy-pasting.


  • --filename: Specifies the path to the file containing the SQL queries or SnowSQL commands.

Example output: The results of executing the commands from the specified file.


The snowsql command provides a versatile way to connect to Snowflake instances, execute SQL queries and SnowSQL commands. Whether you need to connect to a specific instance, use a configuration file, authenticate with a token, run a single command/query, or execute commands from a file, SnowSQL offers the necessary functionality.

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