How to use the command 'snyk' (with examples)

How to use the command 'snyk' (with examples)


The ‘snyk’ command is used to find vulnerabilities in your code and remediate risks. It allows you to test your code for known vulnerabilities, test local Docker images, record the state of dependencies and vulnerabilities on, as well as auto patch and ignore vulnerabilities. The command is primarily used for security testing and vulnerability management in your projects.

Use case 1: Log in to your Snyk account


snyk auth


Logging in to your Snyk account allows you to authenticate your identity and gain access to your projects. By logging in, you can perform various actions such as testing your code for vulnerabilities and monitoring dependencies.


The snyk auth command is used to log in to your Snyk account. It prompts you to enter your Snyk API token or authenticate using SSO (Single Sign-On) if enabled for your account. The API token is a unique identifier that grants access to your Snyk resources and projects.

Example output:

Authentication successful.

Use case 2: Test your code for any known vulnerabilities


snyk test


Testing your code for vulnerabilities helps identify security issues and potential risks. By using the snyk test command, you can scan your codebase and receive a report detailing any found vulnerabilities.


The snyk test command scans your codebase and checks for known vulnerabilities in your dependencies, including both direct and transitive dependencies. It analyzes the dependency tree and compares it against the Snyk vulnerability database to identify any potential risks.

Example output:

Testing code for vulnerabilities...
Test completed: 5 vulnerabilities found.

Use case 3: Test a local Docker image for any known vulnerabilities


snyk test --docker docker_image


When working with Docker images, it is important to ensure that they do not contain any known vulnerabilities. By running security tests using the snyk test --docker command, you can identify and remediate vulnerabilities in your Docker images.


The snyk test --docker command allows you to analyze a local Docker image for known vulnerabilities. You need to specify the Docker image you want to test using the docker_image argument. The command then scans the image’s layers and dependencies to identify any security risks.

Example output:

Testing Docker image for vulnerabilities...
Test completed: 3 vulnerabilities found.

Use case 4: Record the state of dependencies and any vulnerabilities on


snyk monitor


Recording the state of dependencies and vulnerabilities on provides a centralized platform for monitoring and managing security risks. By using the snyk monitor command, you can track vulnerabilities and receive alerts for changes in your dependencies.


The snyk monitor command records the state of dependencies and any vulnerabilities in your project on It creates a project snapshot and associates it with your Snyk account. This allows you to track changes in dependencies and receive notifications when new vulnerabilities are discovered.

Example output:

Monitoring project dependencies...
Snapshot created successfully.

Use case 5: Auto patch and ignore vulnerabilities


snyk wizard


Auto patching and ignoring vulnerabilities simplify the remediation process and reduce the manual effort required to fix security issues. By using the snyk wizard command, you can automatically patch vulnerabilities or ignore them based on your preferences.


The snyk wizard command launches an interactive wizard that guides you through the process of auto patching or ignoring vulnerabilities. It analyzes the vulnerabilities found in your code and provides options to automatically fix or ignore them. The wizard allows you to choose the best course of action based on the specific vulnerabilities and your project requirements.

Example output:

Launching Snyk wizard...
Vulnerability auto-patching enabled.


The snyk command is a powerful tool for security testing and vulnerability management. By using the various subcommands, you can log in to your Snyk account, test your code for known vulnerabilities, analyze Docker images, record project dependencies, and automate patching or ignoring vulnerabilities. Incorporating ‘snyk’ into your development workflow helps identify and remediate security risks, ensuring the reliability and security of your projects.

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