How to use the command `solo` (with examples)

How to use the command `solo` (with examples)

The solo command is designed to interact with Solo hardware security keys. It allows users to perform various operations such as listing connected Solos, updating firmware, blinking the LED, generating random bytes, and monitoring the serial output of a Solo. This article will provide examples illustrating each of these use cases.

Use case 1: List connected Solos


solo ls

Motivation: The solo ls command is used to list all the Solo hardware security keys that are currently connected to the system. This can be useful when you want to check the status of your Solos and verify their connectivity.


  • solo: The main command used to interact with Solo hardware security keys.
  • ls: The subcommand that lists the connected Solos.

Example output:

Found 2 Solo keys:
    - Solo ID: 1234567890 (Serial: ABC123)
    - Solo ID: 0987654321 (Serial: XYZ789)

Use case 2: Update the firmware of a connected Solo


solo key update

Motivation: The solo key update command is used to update the firmware of the currently connected Solo hardware security key to the latest version. It is important to keep the firmware up to date to ensure the device’s security and functionality.


  • solo: The main command used to interact with Solo hardware security keys.
  • key update: The subcommand that triggers the firmware update process.

Example output:

Firmware update started.
Downloading firmware...
Updating firmware...
Firmware update completed successfully.


solo key wink --serial serial_number

Motivation: The solo key wink command is used to blink the LED of a specific Solo hardware security key. This can be helpful for identifying a particular device among multiple connected Solos.


  • solo: The main command used to interact with Solo hardware security keys.
  • key wink: The subcommand that blinks the LED of the Solo.
  • --serial serial_number: An optional argument to specify the serial number of the Solo to blink its LED. Replace serial_number with the actual serial number of the Solo.

Example output:

LED of Solo with serial number ABC123 blinked.

Use case 4: Generate random bytes using the secure random number generator of a Solo


solo key rng raw

Motivation: The solo key rng raw command is used to generate random bytes using the secure random number generator of the currently connected Solo hardware security key. These random bytes can be used for cryptographic operations or any other purpose that requires high-quality random data.


  • solo: The main command used to interact with Solo hardware security keys.
  • key rng raw: The subcommand that generates raw random bytes using the Solo’s secure random number generator.

Example output:

Random bytes generated: 0x74982f290cbe47afa82960536b3144a1

Use case 5: Monitor the serial output of a Solo


solo monitor path/to/serial_port

Motivation: The solo monitor command is used to monitor the serial output of a Solo hardware security key. This can be useful for troubleshooting or debugging purposes, as it allows you to view the data being transmitted through the serial port of the Solo.


  • solo: The main command used to interact with Solo hardware security keys.
  • monitor: The subcommand that starts monitoring the serial output.
  • path/to/serial_port: The path to the serial port of the Solo. Replace path/to/serial_port with the actual path to the serial port on your system.

Example output:

Monitoring serial output on /dev/ttyUSB0...
Received data: Hello, Solo!
Received data: This is a test.


The solo command provides a convenient way to interact with Solo hardware security keys. By utilizing the various subcommands and arguments, users can perform tasks such as listing connected Solos, updating firmware, blinking the LED, generating random bytes, and monitoring the serial output. Understanding how to use these commands can help users effectively manage and utilize their Solo devices.

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