How to Use the Command 'solo' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'solo' (with Examples)

The solo command is a powerful command-line interface tool designed to interact with Solo hardware security keys. Solo keys are open-source, FIDO2 security keys that support two-factor authentication, passwordless login, and secure cryptographic operations. The solo command allows users to perform various tasks such as updating firmware, managing list of connected devices, and generating secure random numbers via hardware.

Use Case 1: Listing Connected Solos


solo ls


Listing connected Solo keys is a vital first step for users who wish to manage multiple Solo devices or confirm a successful connection to the system. Before taking any further action, such as updating firmware or executing cryptographic operations, verifying the device’s connection ensures that the user is interacting with the intended hardware.


  • ls: This is a common shorthand for “list,” which here instructs the solo command to enumerate all Solo keys currently connected to the host machine. No additional arguments are required, making it straightforward for users to identify available devices quickly.

Example Output:

2 connected Solo devices:
- Solo 1: Serial Number ABC123
- Solo 2: Serial Number XYZ789

Use Case 2: Updating a Solo’s Firmware


solo key update


Regular updates to the firmware of Solo keys ensure that the devices have the latest security patches, bug fixes, and feature enhancements. This command is essential for maintaining the highest security standards and accessing new functionalities.


  • key: Specifies the action is to be performed on a Solo key as opposed to other functionalities or peripherals.

  • update: Directs the solo tool to initiate the process of fetching the latest firmware from official repositories and applying it to the connected Solo key. The update process is automated, requiring minimal user intervention to ensure compatibility and security.

Example Output:

Checking for the latest firmware version...
Downloading version 3.0.1...
Firmware updated successfully to version 3.0.1.

Use Case 3: Blinking the LED of a Specific Solo


solo key wink --serial serial_number


The LED blink feature is perfect for users who manage multiple Solo keys simultaneously or have several keys connected and wish to identify a specific one. This functionality can prevent confusion and physical mishandling by easily locating the correct device through visual confirmation.


  • key: Indicates that the operation will act upon the keys.

  • wink: Command that triggers the LED blink sequence on the Solo key.

  • --serial serial_number: This argument is used to specify the exact serial number of the Solo key intended for interaction. It eliminates ambiguity by pinpointing the device among potentially many connected keys.

Example Output:

Initiating blink on Solo with serial number ABC123.
The device is now blinking.

Use Case 4: Generating Random Bytes


solo key rng raw


This use case is particularly beneficial for developers or security professionals needing high-quality random data for cryptographic operations, seeding algorithms, or simply testing purposes. As the randomness is generated by hardware, it is typically more secure compared to software-based pseudo-randomness.


  • key: Specifies that the operation concerns the Solo key functionalities.

  • rng: Short for Random Number Generator, indicating that the function will produce random data.

  • raw: Denotes that the random bytes should be outputted in raw form, suitable for direct use in applications requiring entropy.

Example Output:

Generating random bytes...
Random data: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

Use Case 5: Monitoring Serial Output


solo monitor path/to/serial_port


Monitoring the serial output is crucial for developers and hackers who are involved in custom usage of the Solo key. This feature can be used for debugging, testing, and capturing real-time data from the device, aiding in comprehensive device analysis.


  • monitor: Directs the solo tool to enter a monitoring state, capturing all data sent to and from the specified serial interface.

  • path/to/serial_port: This specifies the path to the serial port to be monitored. The user provides the path to ensure correct interfacing with the hardware currently in use.

Example Output:

Listening on serial port /dev/ttyUSB0...
Received: HID command: 0x10
Sending: Response 0x81


The solo command line tool provides an intuitive interface for interacting with Solo security keys. Through the examples detailed above, users can manage their Solo devices efficiently, whether it’s checking connectivity, updating firmware, verifying identities via LED blinking, generating secure random numbers, or monitoring serial outputs for deeper dives into functionality. Each functionality of the solo tool plays a distinct role in maintaining and leveraging Solo hardware security keys for secure and versatile operations.

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