Customizing Spotify with Spicetify (with examples)

Customizing Spotify with Spicetify (with examples)

Spicetify is a command-line tool that allows users to customize the Spotify client UI and functionality. With Spicetify, you can change the appearance of Spotify, add new themes, modify colors, and more. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the Spicetify command and provide code examples along with their motivations, explanations, and example outputs.

Use Case 1: Generate a configuration file on the very first run and display help


Motivation: The first time you run Spicetify, it generates a configuration file that specifies your preferences for customizing Spotify. Additionally, it displays help on how to use the command.

Explanation: By running spicetify without any arguments, Spicetify will generate the configuration file and display the available commands.

Example Output:

Setting config folder to 'C:\Users\username\.spicetify-cli'
Configuration file doesn't exist ... Creating
- Saving default config
- Done! Run 'spicetify apply' to apply your current settings
Available commands:
  backup              Backup Spotify to prevent overwriting by Spotify updates
  config [field] [value]         Display or modify Spicetify's configuration values.
  apply              Apply the customization
  restore              Restore Spotify to its original state
    spicetify config current_theme Dark
    spicetify apply
    spicetify backup run

Use Case 2: Backup and preprocess Spotify application files

spicetify backup

Motivation: Before customizing Spotify with Spicetify, it is recommended to create a backup of the Spotify application files. This ensures that you can easily restore Spotify to its original state if needed.

Explanation: Running spicetify backup will create a backup of the Spotify application files, preventing them from being overwritten by Spotify updates.

Example Output:

Creating backup ...
└─ 202210292225
    ├─ .github
    └─ _backup_
        ├─ Resources
        │  ├─ app.asar
        │  ├─ chrome_100_percent.pak
        │  ├─ chrome_200_percent.pak
        │  ├─ chrome_elf.dll
        │  ├─ icudtl.dat
        │  ├─ libEGL.dll
        │  ├─ libGLESv2.dll
        │  ├─ resources.pak
        │  ├─ swiftshader
        │  │  ├─ libEGL.dll
        │  │  ├─
        │  │  ├─ libGLESv2.dll
        │  │  ├─
        │  │  └─ swiftshader.ini
        │  └─ views.res
        ├─ Spotify[reesgnillhabhcbl]_0.localstorage
        ├─ app.asar
        ├─ app.asar.bak
        ├─ browserWindow.js
        ├─ chrome_100_percent.pak
        ├─ chrome_200_percent.pak
        ├─ chrome_elf.dll
        ├─ icudtl.dat
        ├─ index.html
        ├─ libEGL.dll
        ├─ libGLESv2.dll
        ├─ package-lock.json
        ├─ package.json
        ├─ resources
        ├─ resources.pak
        ├─ splash.css
        ├─ splash.html
        ├─ views
        ├─ views.html
        ├─ views.js
        └─ views.res


Use Case 3: Print all configuration fields and values

spicetify config

Motivation: It is important to know the current configuration fields and values in Spicetify to understand what options are available for customization.

Explanation: Running spicetify config will print all the current configuration fields and their respective values.

Example Output:

core.spotify_path = C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\Spotify.exe
spotify_path = C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Spotify.exe
overwrite_assets = false

Use Case 4: Change the value of a configuration field

spicetify config field value

Motivation: To customize Spotify with Spicetify, you may need to change the value of a certain configuration field.

Explanation: Running spicetify config field value allows you to change the value of the specified configuration field to the desired value.

Example Output:

Setting config field 'current_theme' to 'Dark'

Use Case 5: Apply the customization changes to Spotify

spicetify apply

Motivation: After configuring Spicetify and making customizations, you need to apply the changes to Spotify for them to take effect.

Explanation: Running spicetify apply applies the customization changes to Spotify, making them visible in the Spotify client.

Example Output:

Hiding desktop controllers
Applying new assets
Applied! Run 'Spicetify update' or restart Spotify to apply custom CSS/JS without losing current changes.

Use Case 6: Restore Spotify to its original state

spicetify restore

Motivation: If you no longer want the customizations applied by Spicetify and want to revert Spotify to its original state, you can use the restore command.

Explanation: Running spicetify restore restores Spotify to its original state by removing the customizations applied by Spicetify.

Example Output:

Removing assets
Restored! Restart Spotify to apply changes.

In this article, we explored different use cases of the Spicetify command and provided code examples along with their motivations, explanations, and example outputs. With Spicetify, you can customize Spotify to match your preferences and enhance your overall listening experience.

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