Split Command (with examples)

Split Command (with examples)

  • Osx
  • November 5, 2023


The split command in macOS allows you to split a file into multiple pieces. This can be useful in various scenarios, such as when you want to split a large file into smaller parts for easier handling or transferring. The command provides several options to control how the file is split, including splitting by lines, size, or a specific pattern.

In this article, we will explore the different use cases of the split command with code examples. Each example will include the code, a motivation for using that particular example, an explanation of the arguments, and an example output.

Example 1: Split a file by lines


split -l 10 filename


Splitting a file by lines can be useful when you want to divide a large file into smaller chunks, each containing a specified number of lines. This can be helpful for processing large log files or extracting certain sections of data.


  • -l 10: Specifies the number of lines per split. In this example, each split will contain 10 lines (except the last split, which may have fewer lines).
  • filename: The name of the file to be split.

Example Output:

$ split -l 10 data.txt
$ ls
xaa xab xac

In this example, the file data.txt was split into three smaller files: xaa, xab, and xac. Each split file contains 10 lines from the original file, except for the last split, which has fewer lines.

Example 2: Split a file by a regular expression


split -p cat|^[dh]og filename


Splitting a file based on a specific pattern or regular expression can be useful when you want to divide the file at specific points or extract specific sections of data. This can be helpful for processing log files or extracting certain types of information.


  • -p cat|^[dh]og: Specifies the regular expression pattern to split the file. In this example, the split will occur at the first line that matches the pattern cat or starts with either dog or hog.
  • filename: The name of the file to be split.

Example Output:

$ split -p cat|^[dh]og data.txt
$ ls
xaa xab

In this example, the file data.txt was split into two smaller files: xaa and xab. The split occurred at the first line that matched the pattern cat or started with either dog or hog.

Example 3: Split a file by size


split -b 512 filename


Splitting a file by size can be useful when you want to divide a large file into smaller parts based on a specific file size. This can be helpful for transferring files that have size limitations or when processing large files on systems with limited resources.


  • -b 512: Specifies the size of each split file. In this example, each split file will be 512 bytes in size (except the last split, which may have a smaller size).
  • filename: The name of the file to be split.

Example Output:

$ split -b 512 data.txt
$ ls
xaa xab xac

In this example, the file data.txt was split into three smaller files: xaa, xab, and xac. Each split file has a size of 512 bytes, except for the last split, which has a smaller size.

Example 4: Split a file into equal parts


split -n 5 filename


Splitting a file into equal parts can be useful when you want to divide a file into a specific number of parts, with each part having approximately the same size. This can be helpful for distributing files across multiple storage devices or when working with parallel processing systems.


  • -n 5: Specifies the number of equal-sized parts to split the file into. In this example, the file will be divided into 5 parts, each with a similar size (except the last part, which may have a smaller size).
  • filename: The name of the file to be split.

Example Output:

$ split -n 5 data.txt
$ ls
xaa xab xac xad xae

In this example, the file data.txt was split into five smaller files: xaa, xab, xac, xad, and xae. Each split file has approximately the same size, except for the last split, which may have a smaller size.


The split command in macOS provides a convenient way to divide large files into smaller parts. Whether you need to split a file by lines, a regular expression, size, or into equal parts, the split command offers flexibility and control. By understanding the different use cases and options of the command, you can efficiently split files to suit your specific needs.

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