How to Use the 'sponge' Command (with examples)

How to Use the 'sponge' Command (with examples)

The sponge command is part of the moreutils package, and it serves a very specific and important role in streamlining file manipulation workflows in Unix-like systems. It “soaks up” the entire input before writing to the specified output file. This makes sponge particularly useful in scenarios where the input and output files are the same, avoiding potential issues related to concurrent reading and writing operations.

Use Case 1: Append File Content to the Source File


cat path/to/file | sponge -a path/to/file


There are instances when you need to append the content of a file onto itself. This might sound redundant, but it can be useful in testing scenarios, extending datasets, or simply creating specific patterns within a file for demonstration or educational purposes. The goal here is to concatenate the file with itself seamlessly without causing data corruption, which can be tricky due to simultaneous read and write operations.


  • cat path/to/file: This reads the content of the specified file and outputs it to standard output.

  • |: The pipe redirects the output from the cat command to the input of the sponge command.

  • sponge -a path/to/file: The sponge command is instructed to take the piped data and append it to the same file.

    • -a: This flag means “append”, which tells sponge to add the new content at the end of the file instead of overwriting it.

Example Output:

Suppose the file originally contains:

Hello, World!

After running the command, the file will look like:

Hello, World!
Hello, World!

Use Case 2: Remove All Lines Starting with # in a File


grep -v '^#' path/to/file | sponge path/to/file


Configuration files, scripts, and other text files often contain comments beginning with #. Sometimes, you want a clean version of the file without comments, either for a more visual focus on executable code or to process data where comments are not necessary. This command provides a simple way to remove comment lines and leave the rest of the file intact.


  • grep -v '^#' path/to/file: This command searches the specified file for lines that do not match the pattern and outputs them.

    • -v: This option inverses the match. Instead of selecting lines that match the given pattern, it selects lines that do not match.
    • '^#': This is a regular expression specifying that we want to exclude lines starting with #.
  • |: The pipe passes the output of the grep command to the input of the sponge command.

  • sponge path/to/file: This allows the filtered content (without comments) to be written back to the original file safely.

Example Output:

Consider a file with the following content:

# This is a comment
Important data
# Another comment
More important data

After executing the command, the file’s content will be:

Important data
More important data


The sponge command provides a simple yet powerful means for handling file manipulations that require careful coordination of input and output streams. By using it with standard Unix tools like cat and grep, users can perform complex operations efficiently and effectively, streamlining workflows and reducing the risk of data loss or corruption. These examples illustrate practical applications of sponge, demonstrating its utility in both appending file contents and in cleaning files by removing unwanted lines.

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